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I am desperately confused here!  When I bought the printer 2-ish years ago I was able to set it up and have it connected to my network no problem.  Since then I have moved and updated my OS to Mountain Lion and lost my installation CD.  As of now, this is where things stand.


When I turned the printer on and connected it to my iMac via the USB cable, the computer found it and installed it with no issues.  I can print with no issues when the USB cable is plugged in.  


Using the printers built in display, I have run the HP Network Configuration and the Wireless Network Test.  The printer can see my network, but it won't connect to it.  I have no bloody idea where I need to go to enter my network password so the printer can get online.  


I've manually downloaded the HP Driver found at http://support.apple.com/kb/DL907  and that put the HP Utility on my computer (which was already there) but I don't see any place in the utility software that would let me enter my network password or even configure network settings for the printer. 


My router is an Apple Airport Extreme, and the firmware is up to date.  Everything on my computer seems to be up to date.  I just cannot for the life of me figure out how to get this thing online.  Any help would be greatly appreciated 😃



HP Recommended

Yup, there is no way to install your printer using OS X 10.8, sorry.


However, there are alternatives.  Here is the easiest way:


1. On the front of the printer: Setup [Scan] > Wireless > Restore Defaults.

2. In the same Wireless menu, start WPS Pushbutton.

3. On your Mac go to Applications > Utilities > Airport Utility.  Choose your Airport and click Edit.

4. In the menu bar at the top of your screen go to Base Station > Add WPS Printer.

5. Choose the FIrst Attempt mode, then Continue.


Now your printer should be connected to your wireless network.  Next, go to System Prefs > Print & Scan, click the '+' sign to add your printer.

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Is there a way to do this with a non airport device?

HP Recommended

Yup, if your router has a WPS button it is very easy.


Just follow the directions above, only instead of steps 3-5, substitute this:


3. Press the WPS button on the router within 2 minutes of starting WPS on the printer.

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how do you do it without a wps?

HP Recommended

in the printer Wireless menu, Restore Defaults.


Now, on your Mac, connect to the printer's wireless network (should be "hpsetup").


Print a Wireless Network Test from the Wireless menu on the printer.  Get its IP address.


Type the IP address into a browser to reveal the printer's internal settings.


Click on the Network or Wireless tab and run the Wireless Setup WIzard.


After you are done, re-connect the Mac to your regular wifi network.

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I don't have a wireless network wizard just a page that looks like this


HP Recommended

Nope, sorry.  This procedure doesn't work.  I press the WPS "button" on the printer, and it begins to poll for a WPS connection.  I then immediately press the WPS button on top of the router.  It begins to flash, indicating that it is also polling.  After two minutes, the printer errors out and no wireless connection is created.  Not easy AT ALL.  I actually have my original CD with the install routine, but the install software crashes when it attempts to connect and configure the printer over USB.  So by upgrading my wifi router, I've turned my printer into a paper weight.  This printer config software is WAY TOO TOUCHY, CLUMSY, INELEGANT and non-standard to be reliable.  I'm guessing this older printer is really not supported under 2017 versions of Mac OS and current wifi routers.  Next option is pitching the printer in the dumpster and buying an EPSON product.

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