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HP OfficeJet Pro 8720
Microsoft Windows 10 (64-bit)

When I print from a word document, I get the proper screen to choose 2 sided and to flip which way.  I am trying to print a PDF and do not always get the screen to choose this.  Once in a great while that screen WILL come up and it prints correctly.  Otherwise, prints the second page upside down on the back.

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Hello, @Jaymes – Hope you are well 🙂

Welcome to the HP Forum! This is a wonderful location to converse with the community, get assistance and find tips!


I understand that you are facing issues while printing 2-sided / duplex on your Officejet 8720 printer. I would suggest the steps mentioned below to try and fix the issue:

  1. Go to Control panel – Devices and printers.
  2. Right-click on Officejet 8720 and select “Printing preferences”.
  3. Under the Paper/Quality or Layout tab, select the 2-sided / duplex printing option.
  4. Select the appropriate setting under the duplex printing option.
  5. Apply and save the settings.
  6. Now, make sure you select the 2-sided option from the application that you are using (MS Word, Adobe etc.)

If the issue still persists, then the issue could be with the printer drivers and I would recommend installing the updated printer drivers for smooth printer functioning. Here are the steps:

  • Unplug the USB cable from the printer and computer if present.
  • Go to Control panel – Programs and feature – Select all the HP Officejet printer entries and uninstall them.
  • Restart your computer.
  • Now click on http://ftp.hp.com/pub/softlib/software13/printers/OJ8720/OJ8720_Basicx64_1881.exe to download and install the printer drivers.
  • Connect the USB cable if prompted and follow the onscreen instructions to complete the installation.
  • Now, again change the printing preferences and try to print 2-sided and check.


Those steps should do the trick, let me know the outcome!

Good luck 🙂

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Please click "Accepted as Solution" on the post that solves your issue to help others find the solution. To show appreciation for my help, please click the "Thumbs Up Icon" below!

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