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HP Recommended
Deskjet 712C
Microsoft Windows 10 (64-bit)

Is there a Printer Driver for the Deskjet HP712C for Windows 10 available? 

HP Recommended

The 64 bit Windows drivers for the Deskjet 712c (and 720c/722c/820c/1000c) have been broken since Windows Vista. There is a patch for Vista and Windows 7 but I could not get it to work on Windows 8, 8.1 or 10.


I have seen folks report success connecting the printer to a Windows 7 or XP machine and then sharing it to a Windows 8 or later machine.


Sorry, I do not have any further suggestions.  I spent quite a while beating on this and did not get anywhere.  I also tried to get HP or Microsoft involved in fixing this without any success.  Neither company was interested in putting engineering effort into a 20+ year old printer and I eventually gave up.

Bob Headrick,  HP Expert

I am not an employee of HP, I am a volunteer posting here on my own time.

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HP Recommended

BTW, there is a driver available as follows:  in Windows 10 go to Devices and Printers, Add a Printer, The printer I want isn't listed, Add a local printer or network printer with manual settings, Next, [select the proper port], Next, Windows Update, [wait a few minutes for the list to repopulate], select HP for the manufacturer (not Hewlett Packard or Hewlett-Packard), and then select HP Deskjet 710c, Next.


The Deskjet 710c and 712c are the same printer, just sold through different channels.  The 710c and 712c use the same driver.


That said, even though there is a driver (supplied by HP, distributed by Microsoft) it does not work.  :HalfEyes:  The 32 bit version does work, but only in a 32 bit version of Windows.


w10 dj 710c.png

Bob Headrick,  HP Expert

I am not an employee of HP, I am a volunteer posting here on my own time.

If your problem is solved please click the "Accept as Solution" button 

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