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My HP Envy 5660 ink-jet printer has scanned to email flawlessly for years, but all of a sudden, it has stopped and renders this error message:


 "Server problem. The printer could not connect to Web Services. The server might be busy or temporarily unavailable. Try it again later."


I am connected to the internet (WiFi), the internet connection is no problem, and the Bluetooth light is lit on the printer. I can try again as much as I like over many days, but I continue to get the same error message. I can scan to a memory card and then take the memory card to my computer -- that works fine, but it's very clunky. So obviously the scanner works, it just doesn't want to email the scans to me, which is my preferred method of transfer. I have seen this same problem mentioned in earlier posts, but none of them is very recent.


I would appreciate any insight or help you can give me so I can get the printer to email me my scans; please do use as idiot-proof instructions as possible! Like a lot of people, I can use this stuff, but I understand only a fraction of what's going on. 😉 Thanks!

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