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HP Recommended

I have this problem as well.  After flashing BIOS from HP website my OMNI 10 just shows "Boot Device Not Found" and I cannot do anything with it. 


I called support and they took me through all the recovery options, none of which worked.  They have offered to repair the device at MY cost of £115.   Outrageous.


VERY dissatisfied with HP support.




HP Recommended

my hp tablet was returned after almost 2 weeks. they had changed the motherboard i think.. since under warranty, it was done for free.. but it is very shameful.. if hp u r providing an official update that bricks devices, u should be responsible, warranty or no warranty.. truly outrageous..  ow i am having a lot of hardware crashes.. and hp says its because of windows 10, which is very buggy.. i hope windows 10 sort there bugs out soon enuf that i'll get to know if these crashes are due to windows 10 or the new hardware that has been added.. somehow after the switch i am not able to use the recovery tool provided by hp.. guess i'll ask that on a new post

HP Recommended

Yes, it is shameful of HP.


My tablet is only 1 month outside of warranty and it is their software that has stopped my device from working and they want a huge amount of money to fix a problem caused by their software.


I notice today that there is a new BIOS posted so they knew there was something wrong.


HP - will you please upload some recovery allowing me to flash my bios and fix this problem?





HP Recommended

Someone knows if new F.0F bios is safe?

HP Recommended
@s1r14n yes I updated it and tested it. Working fine for me at 5601TW Model. I know since last bad update we all are having fear of updating this sh*** tablet.
HP Recommended

I saw the new bios on the new version of support assistant and came here straight away to see if anyone else had safely flashed their bios. Not that I don't trust HP...

I updated our 2 Omni 10s and they are fine. Hopefully this will stop the touchscreen driver I2C HID failures but maybe that's a long shot.

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