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Archived This topic has been archived. Information and links in this thread may no longer be available or relevant. If you have a question create a new topic by clicking here and select the appropriate board.
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HP TouchPad
WebOS / Palm OS

Hey guys, I'm trying to get my old Touchpad to start up, but can't get it to load up. Here's what's going on:


I've tried resetting the device, both with the home/power combo and the home/vol/power combo.  If I reset the device and then plug it into the charger, it will display the battery symbol with the question mark, saying there's not enough power to boot. If I plug it in, then reset it, it displays the white flashing lights on the home button.


I've left the device plugged in for several days both ways to get it to charge, but I can never get it to boot and it's just been in storage so there's no reason there should be anything wrong but a dead battery.


I bought a completely new charger assembly online, made sure it is completely tight, and tried charging it, but still can't get past the issues stated above. Could the issue be the actual charging assembly on the tablet? If so, would it be fixable if I got the TouchStone? I'd love to get some help!

HP Recommended

Hi, sorry that your TouchPad isn't booting up.


It is possible that the charging connector on the TP itself is faulty, and the TouchStone has solved charging issues for some people, so it is conceivable that if you had access to one, you could get it to power up again.


But realize that you are trying to revive a piece of hardware that carries a dead and non-supported operating system.  You could spend more good money after bad only to never be able to revive it.


If your TP has actually been reset, it will not be able to log into the webOS servers because they've been shut down for years now.  Assuming you do get it to power up again, there is a thread "stickied" near the top of this board with links to a method of bypassing the webOS servers in order to have the TP get past that process.   But I'm not sure the links in that thread are good any more.  Many TouchPad users have also successfully installed Android on their TouchPads, which has brought many of them back to useability.  The two TouchPads I have are able to boot into either webOS or Android and they're still very functional.  https://liliputing.com/2014/06/use-touchpad-toolbox-install-android-erase-webos-hp-touchpad.html  But it is a bit of an involved process, I don't know if all of the necessary downloads are still available, and obviously it won't work if you can't get yours to power up.


There also was a hack which was known as "tpdebrick", which could revive some TouchPads which otherwise appeared dead.  It, too, was a very involved process.  However, I'm not able to find any working links to downloads or instructions for that, either.  And even then, you'd still be faced with either successfully bypassing the webOS servers, or installing Android.


You might try spending some time on these boards to see if there are any threads with working links or viable current solutions.


Sorry that your prospects for success are not any better.

Former HP Expert (Palm/webOS)
HP Recommended

Thank you so much for the pointers!


I think the biggest issue I'm having is just stuff not being available. I was running Cyanogen next to WebOS originally, but as I said before, now it's kaputt.  I've started trying to do the debrick hack, but it keeps catching up on the fastboot and android adb, Even installing through the terminal in Ubuntu can't get them to install.  I can give the other option and see if that works, but I'm pretty sure links will be an issue there too. This stuff is just so old!


Thanks for any help you can offer!


I've looked at this Toolbox link and it seems to still be active, but the ever present issue is that I can't get it to boot USB mode. It's only the ?battery (when unplugged) or the flashing home with blank screen (When plugged in)

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