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HP Prime

50g RPN still stronger than primes.


Thrilled to see the recent update hoping that it would address the RPN issues with the Prime.  I still find myself using my 50g everyday due to its higher functionality.  Its great that it is extremely fast and the touch screen is excellent for 3d plotting and other things. But it the RPN mode is non cas,  not to mention watered down. 


My question is, when will the prime recieve an RPN update to put it on par with 50g's and older calcs functionality.

HP Recommended

Not sure you're going to see much RPN anymore.  With textbook entry, pretty print, or whatever you want to call it, the ability to enter equations just as you write them seems to be where things are headed.  I'm an RPN fan, have used RPN for thirty years, but I think that it's time has passed.  I think users today would rather operate with the textbook entry rather than have to learn RPN.  

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And to be clear, "higher functionality" is far and above favoring the Prime at this point over the 50g. It is far, far more capable from a mathematical standpoint, hardware, speed, etc.


Now if you have something like RPN, or low level programming as your main requirement, then yes th 50g could be considered "higher functionality"... lets just not kid ourselves here.


Although I work for the HP calculator group as a head developer of the HP Prime, the views and opinions I post here are my own.
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Tim Wessman said what I was trying to say, in a much better way.  I have a 50G and I'll use it until it dies but I have the Prime also.  The 50G is a fine, powerful machine, but the notion that the Prime is a step-down is false.  It has far more capability.  Think on this, the 50G, fine as it is, is frozen in time.  The last update to the Prime added an immense amount of new functionality and fixed the bugs.  To me, it's the end result that matters, more so than the path to it.  

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