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I’m hoping I can get assistance with my laptop. I’m not great with computers. When I power on my laptop usually the time and date will pop up then I press the space bar and a pin bar will pop up and I unlock with my pin. But now out of the blue when I power on my laptop, the image I have as a background will pop up but not the time and date. When I push keys or touch the screen, nothing... I’d like some assistance because I use this laptop for school. Thank you. 

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Welcome to HP Community


I have gone through your Post and would like to help


To assist you better please provide me with the complete Notebook model or the Product Number


You can refer to this Link: hp.care/2bygf7l for help in locating the Product Number.

Thank you


If the information I've provided was helpful, give us some reinforcement by clicking the "Solution Accepted" on this Post and it will also help other community members with similar issue.

I Am An HP Employee

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The product number is 1TJ82UA 

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If the issue started recently I suggest you perform a System Restore to an earlier time before the issue started


Link: https://support.hp.com/in-en/document/c03327545

I Am An HP Employee

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