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HP Recommended
HP EliteBook 1040 G3 Base Model Notebook PC
Microsoft Windows 7 (64-bit)

I was remoting into a laptop to upgrade a Windows 7 HP Elitebook 1040 G3 to Windows 10 using the upgrade tool provided by Microsoft. I was instructed to "Uninstall HP Drive Encryption" before continuing. I unchecked the "HP Drive Encryption" option under "HP Client Security Manager". When I did I was asked to reboot the computer to make changes, or wait - "Yes or No" question. I chose yes to reboot the computer.


The computer never rebooted. I got it from the customer and what's happening is -

1) WinMagic Secure Boot HP Drive Encryption screen shows.

2) I input the credentials to authenticate

3) Windows starts loading

4) Windows blue screens


My end-goal is to retrieve the data off this hard drive. The laptop itself will be used as a spare when I'm finished. I have removed the SSD hard drive, and connected it to different computers and got the same message - "H:/ is not accessible - incorrect function". Windows Disk Management sees the disk as "Online", but it reports it has "0MB out of 0MB of space". I am also able to see the drive under Windows Explorer. Another SSD works with the adapter that I used.


I tried to download HP Client Security Manager on my current computer, but it's not an HP, it's a Dell. I get "ERR_System_NOT_Supported" message when attempting to install HP Client Security Manager.


Is there anyway to get the data off this drive? Maybe even if I have to send it in to HP, what process would I take with that?


Thanks for any help on this.

-The Blue Screen that occurs -

Old Laptop Blue Screen.png


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