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HP Pavillion Notebook 15-bs070wm
Microsoft Windows 10 (64-bit)

So my Question is quiet simple in actuality, I have Owned this Laptop 5 years now. Upgraded the HDD for an SSD, bought and purchased through Crucial (their official website). I bought the CT500MX500SSD1(SATAIII SSD), while installing I noticed there was "What looked like a M.2 slot" so I did all my research and since there was no official documentation of this part, took a gamble and again purchased through Crucial their CT500MX500SSD4 (SATAIII M.2 SSD) and like magic it was "seen" but the system had no idea about the slot, I used so it's never been correctly identified. Through persistent begging arguing and pleading with HP, "HP SUPPORT", and even "HP SmartFriend" and even on here I have gotten no answers as to why this happened, (I still haven't given up >=) ..) but eventually Windows 10 started using almost 6GB of my system's stock 8GB memory, so I looked it up AGAIN through Crucial. I ended up getting 16GB (What I was assured was the max, only to find out since I have Windows 10 Pro, I could have upgraded to 32GB.) 

Here's the 1,000,000,000$ question. Why doesn't my HP Recognize the Maker and the Models of the Drives and Memory? Why do they ALL show up as "Unknown Device"s" ?? I Made sure they all were within guide lines, all conform and "Technically work, though not @ 100% because the system will not correctly identify them" I had no issues with BIOS "seeing" them or Windows "Running" them, I just cannot get the proper Drivers or system setup for them, 

I know for a FACT that other Notebooks have both or either an SSD M.2 or Memory from and by Crucial, a Sister company of "Micron" or as i've seen HP list them, "Crucial by Micron", So why can't I find a way to Install the Item's as is by whom made them? and not have [Manufacturer: Microsoft] rather then the truth [Manufacturer: Crucial] or even [Manufacturer: Crucial by Micron] and let the system get the correct Drivers and controllers and maybe even run a bit better? I know you installed Everything to run at "Optimum proficiency" All I did was "Improve upon that" No even knew about about the M.2 slot or maybe because it's actually an NVMe slot, But even if that was the case it should still read and a run an M.2 2280 with no issues.

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