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This is a problem I have been having for several months, even though I've only had this computer for a little over a year.


The screen will go black, it makes the same noise as when I plug in a USB or HDMI, and then the display comes back. That process happens pretty quick, and sometimes it happens MANY times in a row, which is very annoying, or it'll happen just once or twice. The applications on my screen might move around a bit as they readjust or whatever it is that happens. I have found little rhyme or reason to when this happens. Sometimes it happens when I am doing nothing to the computer, like watching a video, not touching anything, or if the lid is open and the screen is still on, but I have left my computer. But I can pretty dependably get it to happen when I move my laptop (adjust the lid angle, shift it on my desk, etc.), carry it while the lid is open, or put it down.


When it was still under warranty, I took it to Microcenter, where it was bought, and they couldn't find much wrong with it. I think they updated some drivers is all.


Recently, I noticed that sometimes I am able to put my mouse off screen to the right, as if I have another screen connected. But then it will do the weird display blackening, and then I wouldn't be able to move the mouse off screen. This got me thinking that there is an issue with the screen resolution and that it frequently thinks I am connecting a screen. I even have some videos I took to support this; I can't figure out how to attach a video, so I will attach some screenshots from the video to show what I mean. My laptop definitely is going between thinking there is a single display to more than 1.


Any thoughts on how to fix this? Or who to contact about it? It is awfully annoying.

Screen while it is briefly black.Screen while it is briefly black.Screen resolution dialogue open to show when it is Single DisplayScreen resolution dialogue open to show when it is Single DisplayIntel HD Graphics Control Panel open, showing after a blackout when there is 2 screens. It automatically has Extended Desktop checked.Intel HD Graphics Control Panel open, showing after a blackout when there is 2 screens. It automatically has Extended Desktop checked.Screen Resolution dialogue open after a blackout, showing 2 screens.Screen Resolution dialogue open after a blackout, showing 2 screens.Intel HD Graphics Control Panel when it has only a single displayIntel HD Graphics Control Panel when it has only a single display



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