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I have an issue where when I try to deploy an image through HPDM directly, I get the error below. All other templates deploy  just fine, as they're using HTTPS. I thought this was an SMB issue, but the SMB v2 checks pass successfully. I'm able to deploy an image if I cache it, but this is not useful, as I need to deploy a template sequence, and you cannot cache the whole thing. Anyone have any ideas? 

[Error Details]: Deploy image using repository Master Repository.
Failed to download BASE_IMAGE_v2.ibr from /Repository/Images/BASE_IMAGE_v2.
Failed to execute DeployImage task.
ErrorCode: 1065984, Error Info: ..\..\Task\wins\ImageTask_XPE.cpp@347: Failed to download the image client kit.
..\..\Task\common\ImageCommon.cpp@1016: Failed to download image tools, file transfer content:<FileTransfer>
<Directory Path="/Repository/Tools/Imaging/HPWES8" Direction="download">
<FileItem PathOnAgent="C:\repack\Wes8ImageTool" FileName="*"/>
<!-- Match all files or folders in a folder -->
<Directory Path="/Repository/Tools/Imaging/WinPE" Direction="download">
<FileItem PathOnAgent="C:\winpe" FileName="*"/>
<Directory Path="/Repository/Tools/Imaging/HPWES8/USMT" Direction="download">
<FileItem PathOnAgent="C:\Windows\xpeagent\TMP\USMT" FileName="*"/>
<Directory Path="/Repository/Tools/Imaging/HPWES8" Direction="download">
<FileItem PathOnAgent="C:\Windows\xpeagent\TMP" FileName="changeAnswerfile.exe"/>

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