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We are proud to announce we have achieved a new sustainability milestone on another Poly headset! Read more about our commitment to sustainability!
HP Recommended

Hi My BT700 cannot update firmware, its either stuck on 'updating software' screen

or will popup update interrupted.


I have try multiple times, disconnect and reconnect again but same issue persist.


Both using plantronic hub and poly lens also same result.


Can help?



HP Recommended

Hello @mie,


Welcome to Poly Community.


The basic thing to check first is that which firmware version you are currently on and to what build/version you are trying to move to? Please refer to firmware release notes page using below link:




It is important because many products use step upgrade approach and if you are missing any FW update in between then upgrade may fail. And once you have confirmed update failure is happening with correct sequence or by after skipping an intermediary build then raise a ticket with our technical support team either via phone, email or chat so that they can assist with this issue. Troubleshooting or providing support via the community is outside the scope for myself as an Poly employee.

You are advised to provide the following information while raising a ticket:

• Provide HUB verbose logs or Lens Diagnostic Logs (if reproducible)
• Video/Screenshot of issue/error if possible as it will help visualize the issue.
• Serial number or firmware version of headset/speaker/USB dongle when issue is noticed
• Computer OS version in use.

• If upgrade was tried on any other PC and what was the outcome.

Best regards


HP Recommended

Hi @bhupender,


Thanks for your reply.


Below is information as per requested

• Provide HUB verbose logs or Lens Diagnostic Logs (if reproducible)

   - As per attached.

• Video/Screenshot of issue/error if possible as it will help visualize the issue.

   - As per attached

• Serial number or firmware version of headset/speaker/USB dongle when issue is noticed

  - V.218  (want to update to V.315)

• Computer OS version in use.

 - Windows 10 pro

• If upgrade was tried on any other PC and what was the outcome.

 - Try other pc also persist same issue

HP Recommended

Hello @mie,


Welcome to Poly Community.


This platform is not for troubleshooting or logs analysis.


Troubleshooting or providing support via the community is outside the scope for myself as an Poly employee. Please raise a ticket with Poly Technical Support and provide all these details there so that support agent/s can help you troubleshoot the issue.

Best Regards,
Bhupender Thakur

Please ensure you always check the FAQ's.

Please remember, if you see a post that helped you, and it answers your question, please mark it as an "Accept as Solution".

This forum reply or post is based upon my personal experience and does not reflect the opinion or view of my employer. Poly employee participation within this community is not mandatory and any post or FAQ article provided by myself is done either during my working hours or outside working hours, in my private time, and may be answered on weekends, bank holidays or personal holidays.
† The opinions expressed above are the personal opinions of the authors, not of HP. By using this site, you accept the <a href="https://www8.hp.com/us/en/terms-of-use.html" class="udrlinesmall">Terms of Use</a> and <a href="/t5/custom/page/page-id/hp.rulespage" class="udrlinesmall"> Rules of Participation</a>.