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When posting or reviewing a message, I have noticed this error below whenever I underline or color text.



Your post has been changed because invalid HTML was found in the message body. The invalid HTML has been removed. Please review the message and submit the message when you are satisfied.




When I darkening text(let it bold), no error shown.



I am awaiting your help.

Thanks in advance.


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@Nucooperator wrote:



When posting or reviewing a message, I have noticed this error below whenever I underline or color text.


Your post has been changed because invalid HTML was found in the message body. The invalid HTML has been removed. Please review the message and submit the message when you are satisfied.


When I darkening text(let it bold), no error shown.


 I am awaiting your help.

Thanks in advance.


Just testing:


underline text.


Color text and underline.


Color Text.


EDIT:  No issues/errors seen when posting.  I'm using Android 4.2.2/Boat Browser.



Former Expert in the PalmOS, WebOS, and Android sections of this Community Forum.
I am a Volunteer here, not employed by HP.
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I who has been facing the error, and not you.
I am using Windows 7 up to date on an HP laptop.

Also, I have tried doning this on all browsers(FireFox, IE, Google Chrome), but I am still facing the  same error::


Your post have been changed because invalid HTML was found in the message body. The invalid HTML has been removed. Please review the message and submit the message when you are satisfied.

When I submit the post after it has been changed becasue of invalid HTML, then no error shows to me, but I am not satisfied with the message since there is neither underined text nor color text. All colors and underlined texts have been changed.
This is strange.
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Hi @John_MB , do you think you can check this out? @cooperator , thanks for posting here and we'll see how this can be fixed for you. :cathappy:



I worked for HP.
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Thanks a lot,

I don't know whether this consider an answer or not since no answer is here

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Thanks @cooperator 


I will have our development team take a look.  If there is a platform issue a ticket will be opened.



I am an HP employee.

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Hi, is there any new thing I should know?

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@BigMal wrote:

I purchased an HP Pavilion dv7-7061ea Entertainment Notebook  B1W88EA#ABU just 2 years ago.  HP tell me it cannot be upgraded to Windows 8.1'
So an HP product that just 2 years old is redundant! 
I am trying to get HP to listen to my argument but they wont.
They now have started to cancel my posts by using THIS 'This program has been blocked for your protection​/An Administra​tor has blocked you from running this program'.
This is becaue they wont allow you to read the truth about things.  Also they have started to block my IP address, they wont have much sucess as I will use a 'VPN' and if I need to many more email addresses.
I will be heard and will not stop until my problem is resolved.  If I do not get a satisfacory reply with in 24 hours I will post this message to every thread  can.

Hey, guy, what is this man doing here? He said if he didn't get a satisfacory reply with in 24 hours he will post this message to every thread  can.'


I don't find any solution of my problem. I still face the same invalid HTML when underline or colour ttext.

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