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HP Recommended

Hello, I been having some issues with printer  HPDesignJetT730 .

The printer is not able to detect any kind of paper., we  put the roll inside and aparently the printer make the job ,but after some second there is a message at the screen saying " the paper was not detected and put the roll again".

Need help in order to we can enable again the printer. 


Thanks in advance.

HP Recommended

Open the right door and examine the service station closely. If you see excessive ink then it is quite likely that your print head is leaking and will require replacement. How this can affect paper loading is like this. If you look at the picture below you see the circled item, this is the sensor cleaner for the paper sensor mounted to the printhead carriage. When a printhead leaks, this brush can get contaminated with ink which is then transferred onto the sensor, effectively blinding it. I have had 50/50 success in cleaning the brush. Care must be taken to not flatten it out. A water dampened q-tip and brushing from base to the tip seems to work the best, or simply replace the service station.




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