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Microsoft Windows 10 (64-bit)

Just updated to latest BIOS along with Win 10 update.  Laptop is so slow to the point of being useless. It takes minutes to boot and that's about as good as gets. I can select software and while I'm waiting I can brew a pot of tea and make coofee for my wife. Its virtualy useless. I dont want to rest factory settings- as it take it back Win 8. ??

HP Recommended


Welcome back to the forum.

I am not a HP employee.


This is a tough one to solve.


You have two variables:


A windows 10 update

A BIOS update.


I would go back to the previous Windows 10 version to see if this helps.


HP BIOS updates are normally permanent. It is not possible to go back to the previous BIOS version.


HP BIOS updates are cumulative and reset the BIOS to defaults.



HP Recommended

Many thanks for advce.

Prior to receiving your email I took the plunge to do a complete restore. Most of my data was stored or copied elswhere so to me the restiore was the best solution. Im just about up to date with Win 10 updates and the BIOS is now fine. So once again thanks for your advice,



HP Recommended

Hi Ck11,


You're very welcome.


Could have been a Windows feature update which caused the slowdown.


This may be indicated if you have this problem again.





HP Recommended

I am inclined to agree. However, there are important lessons to be learned for me: be patient and to do one update at a time. So if problems do occur they will be more easilly dealt with.

Thankd for your support.



HP Recommended

Hi Ck11,


You're very welcome.


Yes, it is best to limit variables. Less things to troubleshoot when bad stuff happens.



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