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Microsoft Windows 10 (64-bit)

My new HP computer with Windows 10 has Priceline.com listed with the apps.  When I select Uninstall, Windows pops up the Control Panel "Programs and Features".  However, no Priceline program is listed.  When I open the file location for Priceline.com and examine the Priceline.com shortcut, it lists as target:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Hewlett-Packard\Shared\WizLink.exe" http://www.priceline.com/?refid=PLHBC6240OPQ&refclickid=square


How does one get rid of this?

  • Do I just delete the sortcut?
  • Do I need to uninstall WizLink.exe?  There are several HP programs in "Programs and Features" but it is not clear which one is responsible. 

It is a bother when preincluded software is made so difficult to uninstall.  I can understand why it is difficult to uninstall an AntiVirus program, but it seems abusive to make deleting a shopping site so obscure. 

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I found a bunch of other pages on the Web about various marketing schemes that HP does using WizLink.exe. 


The Priceline icon was in c:\Program Data\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs.  I found that removing it results in Priceline disappearing from the apps list. 


Some posts referred to bad things happening if one deleted WizLink.exe, so I left that alone.


It would be interesting to get a total of how much HP is paid to do all this marketing in ways that are hard to remove.  Microsoft stores are selling computers with such marketing left out.  I'd pay a premium for not having to bother with this junk, and if my requirements for the next computer I buy are well fit by  something at a Microsoft store I may buy there (or Microsoft may be making desktops by then).


Windows Central did an article on how to do a clean install to get rid of all the junk from companies such as HP: http://www.windowscentral.com/set-up-brand-new-windows-10-computer .   I considered  doing this, but  Step 4 was saving the drivers needed and it wasn't clear how to do that for HP.

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I got a call from an HP support person who tried to convince me that

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Hewlett-Packard\Shared\WizLink.exe"

has nothing to do with HP.  She gave me her complete assurance that it must have gotten on my computer some other way, but has nothing to do with HP.


It seems like HP has gotten so dysfunctional that the support people are giving out assurances that are completely false. 


The support person wanted to take over my computer remotely and I told her that I had no confidence in her knowing what she was doing and I would not give that permission.

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I should add that the support person promised to email me information about a Blu-ray drive discussed in another thread, but more than a day later I got nothing from her.

HP Recommended

I was able to remove it people at HP are idiots and no you have to unistall the program. Download IOBit Unistaller go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Hewlett-Packard\Shared right click on the WizLink.exe and when the powerful scan comes up select the priceline in Residual files

HP Recommended

Try this:

  1. Windows Key + i
  2. Click "System"
  3. Select Apps & features
  4. Uninstall "Trip Advisor"
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So I typed " c:\Program Data\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs" into my file explorer and it said that didn't exist or it was spelled wrong. 


Try this: Right click on the icon, select the "More" option and select "Open  file location".  That will get you to the menu so you can delete the shortcut.  Also has a lot of other settings to play with 🙂

HP Recommended

This is super annoying.  It gives you the feeling that you've bought a cheap, sh!tty computer.  Because nothing says cut-rate laptop like crapware that you can't uninstall.  I wish that HP could understand how negatively this sort of thing affects the end user perception of their product.

HP Recommended

He asked aboutPriceLine, not Trip Advisor!! Price Line DOES NOTappear in the installed Apps list!

HP Recommended

To remove the Priceline "App" (or any other that is actually just a shortcut to a website)


right click on the "App"


select "More"


select "Open File Location"


right click on the highlighted file (check the name, this is a shortcut to the websight in question)


select "Delete" (left click) (near the bottom of the drop down menu)


and you are done.


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