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Microsoft Windows 10 (64-bit)

I'm having issues with my Reverb while playing Project Cars 2 through Steam VR on the PC, every 15mins or so the screen will go black for a few seconds then come back which is very annoying when you're racing competitively and you go off the circuit.

Last night it crashed completely and never came back on so I was forced to unplug the Reverb and go back to my Oculus Rift which worked perfectly.

I'm using an RTX 2080 GPU and core i7 processor 


Any help would be gladly received



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Last night I updated the GPU driver and Windows 10 (even though it said it was up to date there were two updates). I also set the resolution in Steam VR settings to 150% for Project Cars 2 and Super sampling to 1.0 in the game settings.
I managed to play for an hour with no black screening but it was starting to drop frames occasionally so I set the resolution to 140% and started PC2 up again but it hung on the start screen, Steam VR then crashed then my PC crashed completely!
When I got everything back up and running the screens in the headset were lit but not displaying an image just sound. No matter what I did I couldn't get it to work so I've decided to send it back to HP for a refund.

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@Genetix604 I understand your concern and I have brought your issue to the attention of an appropriate team within HP.

They will likely request information from you in order to look up your case details or product serial number.

Please look for a private message from an identified HP contact.


Additionally, keep in mind not to publicly post personal information (serial numbers and case details).

If you are unfamiliar with how the Community's private message capability works, you can learn about that here.


Thank you for visiting the HP Support Community.

I am an HP Employee

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Best to call support in case, but I have heard that using a power USB hub helps with this in some cases.
Also, wiggle the connector at the Headset side, does that make it happen too?

I am an HP Employee
Quality Manager - HP VR / Z Desktops
While I am an HP employee, my comments and suggestions are my own and do not represent HP Inc.
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Any answer to this issue?  It seams like I could possibly have the same issue. However,  I  notice Elite Dangerous crashes when windows mix reality switches the input back to WMR.   OR it switches to WMR because the game crashes?

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Same  problem here....is there any resolution 

HP Recommended
For any issues, especially the Black Screen, call up support have have the unit replaced. If they say they are back order, tell them you'd like the case escalated up to 3rd Level Support.
I am an HP Employee
Quality Manager - HP VR / Z Desktops
While I am an HP employee, my comments and suggestions are my own and do not represent HP Inc.
HP Recommended

Ok will do - thanks

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Is there a troubleshooting guide for the Reverb's reported display issues? 

  • 10-15 minutes of use results a flickering display (sometimes left, sometimes right) 100% repro
  • 20-30 minutes use results in an intermittent (10-30 seconds duration) full blackout of both lenses 100% repro

I really REALLY want this HMD to work as expected, so if there is a known issues guide somewhere I'd prefer that to replacing the unit. I've only had it for 4 days. 

HP Recommended
Where was this unit purchased? I'm wondering if some reseller still had an older unit in stock - Can you DM me the Serial Number? The new units that have been shipping should not be having this problem.
I am an HP Employee
Quality Manager - HP VR / Z Desktops
While I am an HP employee, my comments and suggestions are my own and do not represent HP Inc.
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