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HP Recommended
Envy 700-214
Microsoft Windows 8 (32-bit)

Hello!  I've been using an HP Envy for gaming since Dec, 2017.  It's done pretty ok for WoW and PoE.  But I want to play better games.  Or atleast other games.  What games are applicable for this tower???  Send help 😮

HP Recommended

Hello @ConfusedGamer 


The specs to your model say you are running integrated graphics from an i5 4440 cpu.

12 G of ram and a 460 w power supply.


If you're wanting to run "high end" games, your least costly fix would be to upgrade to a better graphics solution like a GTX 1050 or 1050ti. You wouldnt have to upgrade the power supply for it either. But your i5 cpu will still be the bottleneck.

Otherwise, you would be better off buying a new computer with a much better cpu and graphics.


You would have to look at a games specs to know the requirements for hardware. We cant really tell you what "better games" to play.

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