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Omen 15
Microsoft Windows 10 (64-bit)

My newly purchased omen 15 prompted me with a bios update this morning. It would install and won't open after it reboot, screen just stays black. I've contacted hp support and we tried different things which didn't resolve ( win+b , win+v , hard reset.. ). Cmos checksum invalid is what result from win+v.  Next step is sending it to repair so I'll ask here in case someone had an idea that could save me from losing it for many days I'd be so much happy.

HP Recommended

@Xquebecbeast , welcome to the forum.


Here is a guide that may help you solve your problem.  It is certainly worth a try if it allows you to not send your laptop for repairs.


Please click the Thumbs up + button if I have helped you and click Accept as Solution if your problem is solved.

I am not an HP Employee!!
Intelligence is God given. Wisdom is the sum of our mistakes!!
HP Recommended

I will try this guide tomorrow when I got time. Thank you for the reply.

HP Recommended

You are welcome, @Xquebecbeast!  I hope that it works for you.

I am not an HP Employee!!
Intelligence is God given. Wisdom is the sum of our mistakes!!
HP Recommended

Cannot boot from a usb stick since the unit won't even boot to the bios. This guide couldn't fix it.

HP Recommended



Here is a solution that was provided by @WAWood for another member:


This is an indirect method for creating a BIOS update boot USB stick -- which comes in useful if you can not boot your PC into Windows and you need to do a BIOS update.
Macrium Reflect (MR) is a free tool that can be used to image and restore PCs, but it also has an option to create Rescue Media (is disk or USN form) that can then be used to Repair your PC.
It is available from here:  http://www.macrium.com/reflectfree.aspx
What I recommend is the following:
1) Download and install Macrium Reflect (MR)
2) Use the option to create a boot USB stick
3) Download the HP BIOS Update file to the same PB (this is a self-extracting archive file)
4) Copy the HP BIOS Update file to the USB stick
Once you have the USB stick, boot your original PC from it.  It will take a few minutes, so you have to be patient.
That USB stick is designed to repair Windows problems, but you don't want to do that.  So, when you get to the app, select the option to open a file manager.  Then, find the HP BIOS Update file and double-click it.  That will start the BIOS update process.
When it is done, remove the USB stick and reboot your original PC.


I am not certain if this will work, but, again, it is worth a try.  It won't cost you anything.  If this doesn't work, it may be time to call HP for repair.

I am not an HP Employee!!
Intelligence is God given. Wisdom is the sum of our mistakes!!
HP Recommended



I've tried this method with Macrium already but I am unable to boot from the usb stick.

HP Recommended



I am sorry that this method didn't work for you.  I can't come up with any other things to try.

I am not an HP Employee!!
Intelligence is God given. Wisdom is the sum of our mistakes!!
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