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HP Recommended

Hello everyone,


I have tried installing the update on multiple computers, and there has been no "loss of sound" or any other noticeable issues.


In my opinion, I would try installing the update. If everything goes bad, you can just uninstall it and hide it again, repairing the issue in the process.


At this point, there's no harm in trying 🙂 If I notice any side-effects from the update, you'll be sure to know! I'm sure you guys would let me know if things go wrong 😛



I worked on behalf of HP.
HP Recommended
That's what I was hoping to hear from someone. I will take the plunge with you and let the community know if I get problems.
HP Recommended

No problem, plunging partner! Let me know what happens 😛



I worked on behalf of HP.
HP Recommended

Hey HP has release new version of IDT (HD) high defination audio driver Codec update for windows 8.1 and windows 8 now the sound appear to be working but if it crashes then go to start search troubleshooting\sound\troubleshoot playback devices.I know it will not find any thing but after doing this Sound will work.it is sp61942.exe download from google.com or HP site.

HP Recommended


I'm having this same problem on an HP folio 9470m with Windows 7 Enterprise 32-bit installed. I have installed the most up to date IDT driver that's listed on HP's site. I've read through this entire thread and can't find anything that has worked. I've tried looking for the KB2962407 update to see if it's been installed, but it's not. I also Googled that update and found that it only applies to Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012, not for WIndows 7. That leads me to ask....Is there an update like KB2962407 for Windows 7 that would be under a different KB number? I've tried other things including rolling back the driver, reinstalling the updated driver, deleting the driver first and then reinstalling the driver, turning off "audio enhancement" in the SRS control panel, and running the "playback audio" troubleshooter. None of those steps have worked. Please help! I am in a school environment and this problem is affecting tons of the laptops distributed throughout the school!




Update!! I forgot to mention that this happens on HP folio 9470m (IDT driver), HP folio 9480m (IDT driver), Revolve 810 G1 (IDT driver), and Revolve 810 G2 (Realtek driver). I have tried the steps listed above on all the models that I just listed.

HP Recommended

Hi "ITGuy5309"


i have exactly the same issue now, did you find any solution to this Problem?



HP Recommended

Hi FRHarry,

The only thing that sort of helped for me was uninstalling the IDT drivers and Realtek drivers on the problematic computers. This reduces the occurrences of the audio cutting out, but it does occur from time to time. When this happens, the only way to get it back is to restart the computer. Apart from that, I don't know of any other solution and it seems that HP hasn't found one yet.

HP Recommended



First of all thank you for the answer.

Its a real shame that they leave this broken.


Having this issue on around 15 Elitebook 9470m. The users of them are getting upset of this issue.

Will try to delete the driver and use MS one, but this cant be the solution.

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