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HP Recommended

on my EliteBook 840 G3 I have a custom logo. According to internet on the EFI partition I should have a HP_TOOLS folder where I can remove it. However on my EFI partition there is only a Boot and a Microsoft folder. there is no custom logo in any of them. (with Diskpart I had to assign a drive letter to the EFI partition but I only could browse it from withing the Task Manager by choosing "New Task")

when reinstalling Windows from scratch in the Windows setup I deleted all the 3 existing partitions (not knowing what they were) and re-created them. Windows setup automatically created the Recovery partition and the EFI partition. The EFI partition has 100 MB. I saw that on another computer the EFI partition has 500 MB. Could it be that the Windows setup deleted parts of the EFI partition? How can I make sure that I have the EFI partition that was initially installed on the laptop.


I did a BIOS update. now I have N75 Ver. 01 55 04/02/2022. Still no HP_TOOLS folder on my EFI partition. is there any other way to remove the custom Logo?


BTW I have the same issue with an EliteBook 840 G1.

HP Recommended

Hi, @Alle_Voeglein Try these steps.


1. Access the Computer Setup utility, and select System Configuration.
2. Select Device ConfigurationsUEFI Boot ModeEnabled.
3. Select the custom logo image you want to use, and then use the imaging software to convert the image to a bitmap (.bmp), and modify the image size to 1024 x 768 or smaller, as necessary.
4. In the Hewlett-Packard folder on the HP_TOOLS partition, create a Logo subfolder.
5. Save the image in the \Hewlett-Packard\Logo folder.
6. Rename the image as Hplogo.bmp.
7. Reboot the computer, and press the F10 key to enter Setup.
8. Select System Configuration, and then select Boot Options.
9. Select Custom Logo, and then select Disabled.
10. Save the changes, and exit Setup.
The custom logo should be disabled now.
HP Recommended

Hi, thanks for the reply. That was the solution I found on the net.

My BIOS looks completely different. And under Boot Options I do not have any "Custom Logo"

I also do not have any HP_TOOLS folder on my EFI partition.

HP Recommended

Hi, @Alle_Voeglein  what does this custom logo do for the laptop anyway? Does it have any effect on the tasks or the applications you run on the system?

HP Recommended

HI, it is just my companies logo. I got the PC now as a gift for private use. It does not really bother me now. But one day I will surely sell the laptop and then I would like to be rid of the logo.

HP Recommended

Okay, it makes perfect sense now. Your company obviously wants to preserve their brand name and reputation, so they knew what they were doing when they gave you the laptop, so anywhere you go, people will know you actually work for the company.

HP Recommended

So I tried the solution described in here from member HHH003 (thanks again):



had to install a newer version of Windows 10 as you need PowerShell 5.1 but it worked.

Then I wanted to replicate that same solution on another laptop (Elitebook 840 G1)

- installed the CMSL

- start PowerShell as administrator

- set-executionpolicy remotesigned <Enter>

- a <Enter>

- import-module HP.Private

- import-module HP.Firmware


and there I get an error message:

The caller does not have permissions to perform this operation.

At C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\HP.private\HP.Private.psm1:778 char:16

+...                0x0b { throw [UnauthorizedAccessException]"The caller does not h ...

+                                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

     + CategoryInfo                : OperationStopped: (:) [], UnauthorizedAccessException

     + FullyQualifiedErrorId  : The caller does not have permissions to perform this operation

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