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Hi all,

First, apologies if this is not the correct forum area. It seemed most appropriate.

Second, this inquiry is regarding a 1TB HP 950EX NVME SSD purchased from Amazon and installed in a Dell XPS 13 (9370).

Third, the problem I am dealing with is that very occasionally (3 times in several years) The disk subsystem is reporting errors with files/data written to the SSD. I have checked NVME SMART statistics using smartmontools and the SSD itself has not recorded any errors. This leads me to wonder if there is a firmware update available for this SSD.

I have tried to ask using the form at https://support.hp.com/us-en/contact but cannot get past the serial number entry. I have entered the serial number reported by smartmontools and the reply I get is "Please enter a valid serial number".  I don't know how to proceed with this other than to open the laptop and search for the serial number on the SSD. That's a last resort.

I have tried searching for the S/W at https://support.hp.com/us-en/drivers/selfservice/hp-ex950-m.2-solid-state-drives/32206825 but the drop down for selecting the operating system is not populated. I booted Windows 10 and tried this form using the Edge browser and that field remains unpopulated so I don't know how to proceed there.

The drive reports firmware version SS0221B.

I appreciate any help that can be provided with determining if there is a more recent firmware for this drive and if so, how to obtain and flash it,


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