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HP Recommended

I'm having the exact same issue and I'm beginning to understand why Best Buy had this thing deeply discounted.  Purchased my Envy back in October 2023, started having issues with the keyboard in December 2023.  Tried all the fixes like everyone else with no result.  Constantly having to restart, right in the middle of a project.  I constantly use my arrow up/down keys which does trigger to keyboard failure - every single time.  I absolutely WILL NOT purchase another HP product.  Matter of fact, this laptop is going to the bone yard and I'll try my luck with a Mac.  I should have gotten a Mac when they were on sale during the holidays.  Thanks a lot HP, the Envy is garbage and if I thought I could get a refund I would.

HP Recommended

Having the same issue!  I bought an Envy 17-CR1003 a week ago and started seeing this issue 2 days ago.  3 times in the past 2 days:


- Once was definitely while I was using the down arrow.

- The camera-off and power buttons work.

- Touchpad works.

- Restart fixed it for a while.


I bought mine refurbished from Micro Center.... it's going right back to the store as I see HP hasn't been any help to anyone here.

HP Recommended

Good call. There does not seem to be a fix for this. Its unbelievable a problem this bad is being overlooked

HP Recommended

Unfortunately for me, I'm past my return period so I'm stuck with it.

Deeply disappointed with the lack of communication from HP in these forums. This will be my last HP product.

HP Recommended

Returned for a full refund.  Thanks to all of you here for finding that HP was no help!


To the person who ends up with a refurbished model 17-cr1003ca, serial number [Personal Information Removed], and lands here looking for a solution....sorry!  I told Micro Center it was defective!

HP Recommended

I have the same problem and have found a work around. I tried a Bluetooth keyboard that I have used for a desktop and it works. It’s really not convenient and definitely not a permanent fix, but better than losing whatever project you are working on. 

HP Recommended

Thankyou, good shout. 


I have noticed that the frequency is alot less if i disable the touch screen in the device manager. 


Has anyone else tried this?

HP Recommended

Thank you for the tip. Mine is 3 weeks old and it has stopped 3 times. I will try your suggestion and let you know if it works for me.

HP Recommended

There was also a new bios update released the other day.



HP Recommended

Interesting that it might be the down arrow on number pad "2". 

I'm curious - does everyone having this issue have the keyboard with number pad?

I do

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