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hp elitebook 8760w
Microsoft Windows 7 (64-bit)

Hi lately my computers fan is always on full so i clean everthing and even when is cold is instantly on full so i check temp with sofware and saw that 1 sensor is always on 85degres and its strange so is it posible that is just sensor or its realy that temp its sensor on motherboard GFXZ every thing is normal temp so what can i do


thank you for the answer 🙂 




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I had overheating with the same Elitebook model, under Windows 10 and Linux Mint. The machine was still usable and I gave it away last year.

Someone has just asked me to fix an Elitebook 2540p with the same problem. It's very clean and I didn't try to take the fan out. However, I recalled a suggestion on the web that such trouble could sometimes be related to the battery or its charging system. Without the battery (and with longer feet glued on) the 2540p now runs cool (W7).

This is an old machine (2010 - 2011), but it's worth commenting on the overheating thread because many seem still to be in use. According to the owner, the capacity of the battery was low because of its age. We haven't yet decided whether it's worth buying a new battery or taking the risk of doing without.


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