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Microsoft Windows 10 (64-bit)

Hi before I login to my computer there is a message dialog that says


HP Hotkey UWP Service

Error: HP Software Framework is not installed in the system

Please download and install from the link -

[content removed ]

Note: Restart system after installation


Can someone explain what this means? 


If I simply close the dialog without installing,  login, my computer behaves normally. 


Thank you 



Accepted Solutions
HP Recommended

Hello all,



Admin note:

HP already has a fix for this issue, please download the fix at the following link and follow the directions.

Update HP Hotkey UWP Service



I see you are having troubles with the HP Hotkey UWP Service. I am not an official HP employee but I think I know the answer to the problem.


The HP Hotkey UWP Service from my minimal research is a driver software which allows you to adjust Windows operations such as brightness and volume from the F1 - F12 keys (and possibly the addition of the 'Fn' key as well depending on your computer). It is most certainly not malware as far as I am concerned and is necessary for the above functions to work.


The reason that I got the same error message you all are receiving is I tried to adjust my computer's brightness. I believe that because of this the driver software HP Hotkey UWP Service is necessary and so should be installed. The link provided to fix it is slightly incorrect which is probably why you are all struggling with it. The link that worked for me is below:




The reason that your computer may have spontaneously decided that this was a problem and produced this error is either that the update tweaked something to do with this software which may have affected its performance resulting in an error, or you uninstalled the program believing it was bloatware. I believe this is not the case and therefore it should be installed or reinstalled. It can be done so at the link provided.


Hopefully this has cleared things up for some people.

View solution in original post

HP Recommended

We are having the same problem on one of our computers.  I just want to ensure this is a valid download and not a virus or malware.


thank you.

HP Recommended

I'm seeing it, too, suddenly today. I think there was an update overnight (it drives me mad when there's no informaiton about what was updated, or by whom or even that the system was restarted). In any case my computer had restarted overnight. I uninstalled HP bloatware, and so had uninstalled the framework services. Hadn't been an issue until this morning. So, no help, except confirmation it seems to be sudden and new behavior.


Running Windows 10 Pro 64-bit on an HP Zbook Studio G4.

HP Recommended

If you run the HP Softpaq Download Manager, you should be prompted to install this component. (Assuming you want it.)  Installing it that way should be safe, one would hope.

HP Recommended


I am having the same issue with this message and am wondering are folks clicking on the link--it is working to resume the problem--I don't want to create a new issue and this "error" hung up my computer this morning, please advise as I was ready to call the Geek squad but that takes a lot of time and I am wondering if they will be familiar with what is clearly an HP issue.  Thanks!


HP Recommended

We are having the same problem on one of our computers.

Please reply...Screenshot_4.png


HP Recommended

The App 'HP System Information' is, WITHOUT asking me, installed on my Windows 10 laptop!!!
Also directly after installing the App, the message to install ftp://ftp.hp.com/pub/caps-sofpaq/cmit/softpaq/CASLSetup.exe came up!!!


HP, please explain to me how you dare to install an App without asking me and why bothering me with this message without permission?


I really DON'T like it when others install Apps or programms without permission from me...


Moderation Note:

Here is the correct link for the download : https://ftp.hp.com/pub/caps-softpaq/cmit/softpaq/CASLSetup.exe

HP Recommended

The link did not work




Moderation Note:

Here is the correct link for the download : https://ftp.hp.com/pub/caps-softpaq/cmit/softpaq/CASLSetup.exe

HP Recommended

I had the same issue tonight but I fixed that through HP Support Assistant.

1. I simply started HP Support Assistant and clicked on Troubleshooting and fixes.

2. Virtual Agent showed up and I clicked on Ask now

3. in virtual agent screen I typed "HP Hotkey UWP Service" and Enter

4. It told me that I needed the following:

5. I copied the link in my browser and it downloaded the file and installed it.


I hope that this will solve your issues too

HP Recommended

Thank you for your post on the walkaround of this error.  What model PC do you have?  Is it similar to the model within the link?

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