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After installing updates via HP Support Assistant on the last few client's laptops, I've noticed a pop-up at the next reboot trying to sell the user on switching to using Edge as the default browser and Bing as the default search engine.


Why in *#^@*'s name would you do this early 2000's nagware / PUP flagged crap?  I guess I should thank you for the extra business, but I have so many annoyed clients that are now wondering where their "Google Chrome" went and why their search isn't bringing up "Google".


I expect this sort of stuff from Adobe, but not from HP; especially when using a product that is nearly required to keep a machine running smoothly with the latest updated drivers.  Yes, as an IT guy I know to uncheck the "suggested" changes and close the window.  But, typical non-technical users tend to get caught out by stuff like this.  That's very poor customer service to do this to unsuspecting clients.


Is there a way to kill the pop-up?  And...please, actually respect your customers and remove this annoying sales pitch on the next HP Support Assistant update.  Thank you.

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Should any of this be useful, good.

Should it be annoying or simply not relevant, please simply ignore...


The HP Support Assistant might be the software version - version 8.x something


The HP Support Assistant  might be the application version - version 9.x something


Anything Edge or Bing is related to Microsoft and Windows.



HP Support Assistant doesn't use a browser.


Generally, Software and Drivers installed using the HPSA are only those updates within computer's own Software and Drivers support website.  None of these use a browser.


In so much that I am aware, HPSA does not generally have the capacity to generate message of this type.


What if?


Windows does  have a setting to encourage / allow tips and messages from Microsoft.

If that is not switched off, the Restart of the computers might trigger the next message.


IF you have not already done so, consider:

Switch off Windows messages at the source.


Method - Switch off Notifications (Windows 10)


Settings > System > Notifications and actions >

Under Notifications, set the following to OFF

  • Get tips, tricks, and suggestions as you use Windows
  • Get notifications from apps and other senders


Method - Switch off Selected Notifications (Windows 10)


Settings > System > Notifications and actions > 

Under Notifications 

Switch ON Get notifications from apps and other senders

Scroll down to the list of "apps" > switch on / off each application



Switch OFF Show me the Windows Welcome experience...

Switch OFF Get tips, tricks, and suggestions as you use Windows



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It wasn't the Edge notification you get inside the browser if you go to a Microsoft website.  I've seen that plenty too.


This was a windowed box about half the size of the screen right in the middle of the screen.  Popped up on a reboot.  It might not actually be the Support Assistant, but another HP notification.  It reminded me of the warranty pop-up on expired machines, but quite a bit larger. 


Windows notifications were all turned off.  Bumping the clients to Windows 10 version 2004 does add a couple more notification options, which of course are defaulted to "on".  So maybe it was a Microsoft notification, but if it is they sure are going out of their way to make it "look" like it came from HP.  It absolutely references HP update in its title.


Not a virus or spyware or anything.  I'm confident on that.  This was an "official" notification.


Next time I see it, I'll snag a screenshot.

HP Recommended

I've been waiting to snag a screenshot, and finally had it pop up on a client's machine again.

hp bing snapshot.jpg

After a reboot, there was a window that popped up in the middle of the screen saying something about an important security update being installed to HP Support Assistant.  When the Next button was pressed, the next window popped up which I've attached a screenshot of.  As you can see, it is HP branded and it is trying to get my client to switch their default search engine and browser homepage to Bing.  I can tell you that NONE of my users want Bing as their search engine or their homepage.  All this is going to do is frustrate them when their settings change (which will happen because as all techs know, users will just click through these screens just to get them off their computer).  Yes, it is an easy fix but one they shouldn't have to be calling in a support ticket for.  Get rid of this crap.  At the very least, if you insist on plugging a shameless Microsoft ad into your update program, don't have the options automatically checked.  Make the user willingly opt-in to the change.

HP Recommended



OK - I saw your brief and spectacular screenshot.



Next time you see that popup, try the following:


UNCHECK "Make Bing my default search provider"...

UNCHECK "Set my homepage to Bing"

CHECK "Don't show this again"

Click Finish


Maybe that will settle the message.


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Not sure why you keep deleting my reply.  I was able to grab a screenshot, but your system doesn't seem to want to allow it so I won't include it this time.  It is a part of the update tool, and it is HP branded.  I was incorrect in assuming it was Edge - it's an attempt to have my users switch their search engine and browser homepage to Bing.

HP Recommended

That's not the point.  Yes, I know to do that.


But my blue collar co-worker in his mid-70's who spends 20 minutes a day on his laptop to check email is not going to do that.  They are going to click right through the screen to get rid of it.  You know they will.  Those options should be "unchecked" to begin with so the user has to opt-in to the change

HP Recommended



I am not deleting your reply and I cannot comment on it - I don't know what is happening.


As to the rest, I apologize for my jumping to conclusions - I never did see the text , only the screenshot.

It was a mistake to answer based on so little information.  Lesson learned.


Honestly, I have never seen the pop-up.  I have all Windows notifications switched off so that might be a factor.

Or, maybe I did see it once and flew by having clicked-clicked and Finish.


What is clear by now is that I do not have an answer that will satisfy your question.

I shall withdraw in good grace.


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