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HP Recommended

BROADCOM 4313 802.11b/g/n

intel 82579LM Gigabit network connection

HP Recommended



The Broadcom 4313 802.11b/g/n wifi adapter is supposed to be a combination wifi/bluetooth adapter, so I believe my theory is correct.  Bluetooth was turned off at the time of the upgrade to W10.


You will need to install W7 (either on a separate partition) or on the existing partition and reinstall W10.


Install the W7 connection manager and turn on the bluetooth radio.



HP Recommended

I take it back...I checked the service manual for your notebook...chapter 3.  The Broadcom card your notebook comes with does not have bluetooth.


Your model has a separate bluetooth module.


Still the only way to know if it has one or not (other than taking the notebook apart to check), would be to see if you can turn on the BT using the connection mgr in W7.


Any elitebook notebook I have ever owned has had the bluetooth module installed.

HP Recommended



thank you very much for you concern 



HP Recommended

You're very welcome.


Most of the Broadcom 4313 wifi cards that were available during the time your notebook was manufactured have bluetooth.


But there was one model 4313 that did not come with bluetooth, and that would be one where the PC has a separate bluetooth module.


It is very difficult to take the notebook apart to find where that module is located, so it is up to you if you want to install W7 one way or the other and see if you can turn on the bluetooth.


If the connection manager does not show a bluetooth device to turn on, then your specific model didn't come with the bluetooth module option.


Just buy an external usb bluetooth adapter.  I use this one on my HP desktop PC for example.



HP Recommended

this is better way 

thanks for give me more information 


and excuse me about my language becouse i'm not speak english very well



HP Recommended

Anytime, and your english was easy to understand.  :generic:

HP Recommended

if i bought an external usb bluetooth adapter

did i need to install wn 7 eaither

HP Recommended



No, with that, just plug it in to the USB port and W10 should find the drivers it needs to work.


HP Recommended

thanks :LaughingTears:

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