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Archived This topic has been archived. Information and links in this thread may no longer be available or relevant. If you have a question create a new topic by clicking here and select the appropriate board.
HP Recommended


What is the difference between HP Advanced System Diagnostics Start-up test  vs its Run-in test?

Is one faster or more thorough than the other ?  Is it better to run one or the other in different situations?


Any info would be greatly appreciated.

HP Recommended

Run-in test "Repeats the start-up test and checks for intermittent problems that the short start-up test does not detect. The test will run continuously until it is manually stopped by pressing the esc key.
", http://support.hp.com/us-en/document/c01443317

HP Recommended

Repeats the start-up test and checks for intermittent problems that the short start-up test does not detecttesthp.jpg

How long wait to completed iterations ?

HP Recommended

how to correct cia card failure or inability to hookup on internet  wiyh hp pavillionG series

HP Recommended


HP Recommended

Okay, this is all well and good but how do you get the report from the run-in test if you're required to manually stop it with Esc? When I hit escape, there was no information displayed regarding the previous tests.

HP Recommended

Old Laptop blues, 

   Trying to find old programs and find out Why,  oh WHY(grrrr) ,has our pictures tripled and tripled AND TRIPLED untill we are full? Laptop says..........A Setting!  Okay!  What setting?????????? Where????????? Tech No Savy!!!!!!!! Now doing diagnostic run (whatever that does) tripped over that suggestion!  Trouble is seeing the troubleshooting page While taking steps that we can't remember and Don't understand 😞 any suggestions???

HP Recommended

Thank you! 

HP Recommended
I started running the "Run-in Test " a couple days ago, & it's still running. The Complete Iterations is 232 & going. So at what number & how many more days is it to go until it's done?
HP Recommended
my hp laptop is not completing startup test nd if i wish to exit from startup test but esc button is not escape from startup test .plz help..
Archived This topic has been archived. Information and links in this thread may no longer be available or relevant. If you have a question create a new topic by clicking here and select the appropriate board.
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