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Archived This topic has been archived. Information and links in this thread may no longer be available or relevant. If you have a question create a new topic by clicking here and select the appropriate board.
HP Recommended

Hello. Just wanted to say that the WinKey + B and then Power button did indeed work. WinKey +B is the bios recovery system. My friend had the exact same problem you all are having (HP 13-s199nr X360) . The bios recovery process fixed the computer.


So, to reiterate in more detail,


Hold WinKey + B, and press the power button.

You don't need to hold the power button.

Sit there until the screen backlight turns on.

Let go of WinKey and B. It should reboot into bios recovery mode. It should all be intuitive from there.


There will still be multiple reboots in the restore process, and require user input at least twice, but it should work when it's done.


Hope this confirmation helps.

HP Recommended

Hi i'm glad that worked for you all anymore issues ask againg and ill be glad to help 

HP Recommended

same thing has happened to me many times.  Had it in to best buy and they took the battery out and reseated.  I have never seen a white light when done charging ; even at 100% it is always yellow with adaptor plugged in

HP Recommended

does this method clear the memory

HP Recommended

No it does not it will only restore the bios

HP Recommended

thank you i will give it a go

HP Recommended

Thank you! After sorting through all the other garbage on this thread this finally worked. If I saw another link that took me to a generic customer support page posted by an HP Support Agent I was going to scream. 

HP Recommended

thank you that solution worked, grateful for your help

HP Recommended
Glad that solved it for you.
HP Recommended



How long should I hold the Windows + B Key before it comes on?  This is not working for me.  I have the same issue, my power light comes on for about 2-3 seconds, then goes off.  I just received this laptop as a Mother's Day gift and I am very upset that it is not working.  I have an Apple laptop that is over 6 years old with no issues.



Archived This topic has been archived. Information and links in this thread may no longer be available or relevant. If you have a question create a new topic by clicking here and select the appropriate board.
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