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Brand new laptop, the web cam does not work.  When starting ArcSoft totalMedia Suite, I get a message that says

"Camera not found.  The camera is either being used by another application or is not connected.  Make sure the camera is connected and working properly, then try again."


I went into device manager and the web cam is in the list and says to be working properly, though in parenthesis, it says (fixed)


Any one else experience this?  Any help would be appreciated.



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i have the same problem, can any one help me.

HP Recommended

Hp Tech support tried and failed, they had me uninstall the drivers and download the same flippin drivers.  Needless to say that was a waste of time.  However I was able to finally use the web cam just by downloading other software for web chat.  Oovoo, Skype, and logitech.  For some reason the software that comes on the computer does not work with the web cam.  what is bizarre, is that I had to exchange this computer (for the same one) for a different issue, but the web cam and software worked with that one.  Now my previous issue is cured, but the replacement computer had the web cam issue.  Any way, making a short story long.  Try the software mentioned previous.  Hope this helps, it worked for me.

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Hp tried to fix it, but they failed. so now tehy want me to sent the laptop in to them. i tried to get on skype with the webcam it didn't work. did u install the drives again and then got skype or what?

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you still need drivers, so yes, I reinstalled them, then downloaded different software

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:manhappy: hn i reinstall window 7 xp vista again and again but till now not got any answer

try on drivers no work.install latest drivers no........................

please help me what i do

HP Recommended

Download Skype or use Logitech software, it solved the problem.  This was explained in a previous  post  from me.

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i need to see my webcam  how to find that

HP Recommended

my webcam does not connect tried to download drivers from hp website still does not work what do i do?

HP Recommended

I was able to finally use the web cam just by downloading other software for web chat.  Oovoo, Skype, and logitech.  Try one of those, if you don't have any luck, you can always go buy an external webcam, they are not that expensive, I think I paid around $30.00 for a logitech for a different notebook

Archived This topic has been archived. Information and links in this thread may no longer be available or relevant. If you have a question create a new topic by clicking here and select the appropriate board.
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