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Archived This topic has been archived. Information and links in this thread may no longer be available or relevant. If you have a question create a new topic by clicking here and select the appropriate board.
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When plug in power cord to charge laptop the light turns red instead of white why?
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I think a red light means charging. (According to manual amber means charging) (source: HP Manual Download Link)
Does it change to white after several hours?

Independent Computer Technician
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I understand when you charge your computer instead of the charging light being white it’s red, is that correct? I will do all I can to help you with this issue.


In order for me to better assist you could you please provide the full make and model of the PC you have. Providing me that information will better help me help you. If you're uncertain where to locate that information follow this link.



Please respond at your earliest convenience.




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I have the same issue. when plugged into my charger the white light turns red.


If I remove the battery the light goes back to white but still cant power up so unable to power the laptop up with or without the battery in.


I would have expected the laptop to start on the mains power but alas. 


I suspect the red light means the battery is dead so it would be nice to re calibrate it if the laptop would start up.


Hp Notebook 62-107SA

Serial CNF01333VV

Product VM954EA#AB4


I've tested with a altimeter and the power is getting to the battery terminals, also cleaned them.


Any ideas?

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Why does the white light turn red when I plug in the power cord?

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My computer is a HP 2000

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This is a 2yr old thread! but to answer your question, I think the red light means charging (see my post above)



Independent Computer Technician
HP Recommended
My battery was comepleatly dead.it is naw charging y will not come on
Archived This topic has been archived. Information and links in this thread may no longer be available or relevant. If you have a question create a new topic by clicking here and select the appropriate board.
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