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Hi there, my laptop types the following letters as numbers a1s2d3j7k8l9;0 so a=a1, s=s2, d=d3,j=j7,k=k8,l=l9, ;=;0 . i havent spillled anything on the keyboard and the same thing happens when i want to type numbers 1234 and 7890. ive switched off the num pad and nothing helps. please tell me this isnt serious problem because i need this laptop for university, but im forced to take it in for repairs. this problem also causes the touchpad for the mouse to lag, this is very unusual as i take care of my laptop very well.

HP Recommended

Check you have perhaps have more than one keyboard type enabled on the pc.

Look at the bottom right hand corner of the screen and see if you have a small keyboard icon.

If yes, ckick on it and select English US.

If you do not have this, try to perform a keyboard test in the Startup menu.

Press ESC at the PC power up, look for F2 Diagnostics and check for keyboard test in component test.

If you do not see this, you may need to send the pc in for service.

I'm an HP Employee.The opinions expressed here are my personal opinions, not of HP.
Click on Thumbs up if my post helped you.Make it easier for other people to find solutions, by marking an answerAccept as Solutionif it solves your problem.

HP Recommended
I tested the keyboard using the instructions you gave me and the letters and numbers still appear on the screen simultaneously when i press the letters asdfjkl; and also on the num pad 1 gives me 31 simultaneously and .del on the num pad moves on character back then backspaces. I have a 7 month warrenty on the laptop at have had it for 5 months and this random keyboard issue happens. How can I request help, I live in Cape Town, South Africa. Please can i get your email to send you images of what the keyboard is doing

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