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Level 15
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  1. When you turn the computer on, it successfully launches to the HP loading screen (HP logo) but Windows fails to load. Windows may simply hung or PC boot process may end up with a HP PCs - Error Messages Display on a Blue Screen (Windows 10) 
  2. The computer may actually load properly but may be running slow and occasionally freezing or crashing
  3. Data stored locally may be corrupted or inaccessible
  4. After starting the computer HP's built in hardware diagnostics may display an error code for hard disk failure or missing (DST tests)



HP notebook computers that were manufactured after 2003 have built-in componets to perform in-depth hardware diagnostics. These technologies have evolved throughout the years and now have the ability to test a variety of hardware components, including the Storage component (Hard Disk Drive or Solid State Drive)

HP hardware diagnostic can confirm hardware failures. Perform some basic hardware checks to rule out hardware problem
- Please, shutdown the computer using the power button (pressed and hold for a few seconds until PC powers off)
- Power the computer back on.
- As soon as you press the power-on button, immediately begin pressing the Esc button (like tap-tap-tap) before any logo appears. This should open a HP Startup Menu


- Choose F2 to load the System Diagnostics.
Follow the on-screen instructions to perform System Test >> Quick test.
This will check major hardware components for any problem


  • If there are no system checks/no quick tests, you can perform Storage / HDD (hard disk drive) check.
  • If the test finds no errors but your computer still exhibits symptoms of a hardware problem, run the Extensive Test.
  • If a component fails a test, write down the failure ID and post in the HP Support Community.




If the short DST check of HDD or the extensitve HDD failed or resulted in "no disk/not found" , this means that issue is related to faulty HDD component. The faulty component needs to be replaced.


Since this is faulty HDD, you will probably not be able to recover or access your files. You can try to but there is no guarantee.


With regards to the replacement of the faulty hardware part - your options are:


1) If your computer is still under active warranty, please contact HP Support and inform them. They will work with you about the way to replace the faulty component for free .  Contact HP:

>> http://www8.hp.com/us/en/contact-hp/ww-phone-assist.html

>> http://support.hp.com/us-en/contact-hp



2) If your computer is with warranty period expired, you will need to replace the faulty HDD - buy it on your own. There are variety of options - vendors you can choose from. You can get it online or from PC retail store, or from HP parts store http://partsurfer.hp.com/


You may also consider installing an SSD instead of an HDD - this is strongly recommended as SSDs are way faster, more repliable and lighter. More information about SSDs:

>> http://www.computerhope.com/issues/ch001396.htm

>> http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2404258,00.asp


  • You need a HDD with the very same size as the existing one or bigger (smaller will not work) - e.g. if your current HDD (or SSD) is with 500 GB capacity, your new HDD/SDD must also be 500 GB or with bigger capacity. 


  • You may find information how to replace the drive by reading the respective Service and maintenence guide for your computer model - available online in http://support.hp.com


  • If you do not want to do this on your own, please bring the computer (or ship it) to HP Authorized Service Center where the technicians will do this for you. If you are not sure where such a center is located, check these or contact HP for assistance in finding the nearest one.



3) Last part - once you replace the faulty HDD component - you will need to reinstall back your operating system
:LightBulb:We would like to encourage you to post a new topic in the community so our member will be able to help you as well, here is the link to post.
† The opinions expressed above are the personal opinions of the authors, not of HP. By using this site, you accept the <a href="https://www8.hp.com/us/en/terms-of-use.html" class="udrlinesmall">Terms of Use</a> and <a href="/t5/custom/page/page-id/hp.rulespage" class="udrlinesmall"> Rules of Participation</a>.