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When I printed out the "Wireless Network Test Results" test page. I received the following error message: "The wireless radio on your HP printer is currently turned OFF."   I have visited various hp pages but there is no information on how to turn on the wireless radio on the hp 2540 printer. Can someone help me?

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Hey @RayHarris !

Thanks for chatting on the HP forums!


I can see you would like to know how to get the WiFi turned on in the HP DeskJet 2450.  I'd be happy to provide you with some documentation on WiFi setup.


To turn on the WiFi radio within the printer you need to press the WiFi button located bellow the red (X) on the printer.



Pressing the wifi button will only turn on the wifi radio, it will not connect the printer to your network.  I can see by whats provided by HP that this printers main WiFi setup is done via USB to wireless. I located documentation on setting up the  HP DeskJet 2450.  Setting Up the Printer for a Wireless Network for the HP Deskjet 2540 and HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 2.... This document will explain the process on connecting WiFi using the HP software with the USB temporarily connected.


Let me know if this was useful information! Please post back with the results of your troubleshooting.

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