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I keep getting the following message when I turn on my printer..."ERROR CODE 0X011A17FF DOT11_PRIVATE".


I have attempted one set of online instructions to try and reset the printer. However, the ink cartridge is stuck in the far left position and I cannot remove it.

HP Recommended



Welcome to HP Forums, I see that you are getting ERROR CODE 0X011A17FF DOT11_PRIVATE.


Reset the printer.

  1. Turn on the printer.

  2. Wait until the printer is idle and silent before you continue.

  3. Disconnect the USB cable from the rear of the printer. If your printer has a network or wireless connection, leave it connected.

  4. Remove the ink cartridges from the printer.

  5. With the printer turned on, disconnect the power cord from the rear of the printer and from the wall outlet or power strip.

  6. Wait at least 60 seconds.

  7. Plug the power cord back into the wall outlet.


    HP recommends connecting the printer power cord directly to a wall outlet.

  8. Reconnect the power cord to the rear of the printer.

  9. Turn on the printer, if it does not automatically turn on.

    The printer might go through a warm-up period. The printer lights might flash, and the carriage might move.

  10. Wait until the warm-up period finishes and your printer is idle and silent before you proceed.

  11. Reinsert the ink cartridges, and then close the ink cartridge access door.

  12. If you receive a prompt to print a calibration page, do so.

  13. If you disconnected the USB cable, reconnect it to the rear of the printer.

  14. Try to print.

Update the printer firmware

Refer this HP document for the steps to update the printer firmware:- Click here


Let me know how it goes.

To thank me for my efforts to help you, please mark my post as an accepted solution so that it benefits several others.


I am an HP Employee

HP Recommended


Step. 1: Remove the ink cartridges battery while the printer is on

Step 2: Press and hold the power button for 30 seconds

Step 3 : Put the battery in and turn on the printer

Step 4: Put the ink cartridges in and then try to print

Step 5 : If you get the error message ( try single cartridge mode )

Step 6 : Just insert black ink 1st and then close the access door - Try printing

Step 7 :  If there's any error message - remove black and put the color and try printing

Step 8 : If no error message then insert both inks and then try printing


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