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my 6510  has the same problem.  read most of the posts and done all the recommendations suggested with no luck. the only thing left to do before calling support is hoping to get the instructions to that special kind of reset.  Hope you can help.  Thanks

HP Recommended



This is a lovely little printer; nearly new and only just finished the cartridges it came with but am having the same problem as so many others... black text not being printed.  I've tried all of the suggestions but am getting nowhere fast; any chance of the super secret reset?


I am a life long HP customer who really feels that their products are superior so I can't believe they haven't yet fixed this issue and why is the possible fix so top secret?


Help please HP Expert.



HP Recommended

I am still waiting for the top secret fix to this problem as well.  Maybe with so many people having this issue, HP should issue us a refund or send us a new printer.   Please send it to me or post it so everyone will know the secret !!

HP Recommended

The reason the information for a reset is not widely distributed is that it can cause problems and it may not help the issue you are seeing.  The post here has some information on printer reset's and some of the risks.

Bob Headrick,  HP Expert

I am not an employee of HP, I am a volunteer posting here on my own time.

If your problem is solved please click the "Accept as Solution" button 

If my answer was helpful please click "Yes" to the "Was this post helpful" question.

HP Recommended

@ramsam wrote:

According to this sheet


new cartridges have an expiration date- and they expired 5/2013 (yesterday)

do we need an expiration override?

Way too many on the boards with this problem for this to be ignored

This cartridge series does not have an expiration date that causes the printer to stop working, the expiration is simply the warranty expiration date. You can find the warranty expiration date printed on the cartridge as shown in this document, or look on the lower right back side of a packaged cartridge.

While there are a few printers that enforce a cartridge expiration,  the Photosmart 5510 (or any printer that uses these cartridges) do not have any ink expiration.  See the document here for further information on models that have ink expiration.

Bob Headrick,  HP Expert

I am not an employee of HP, I am a volunteer posting here on my own time.

If your problem is solved please click the "Accept as Solution" button 

If my answer was helpful please click "Yes" to the "Was this post helpful" question.

HP Recommended

none of the "HP expert"responses address the fact that many of us are having the same problem with a printer less than 2 years old   Is HP looking into the problem?

HP Recommended

ANY help is better than a printer that does not print.  I won't be buying HP printers any time soon. 

HP Recommended

kyle ,


I have the same problem photosmart 5510 will not print black tried everything even the unplug 15 seconds  instruction you provided.  Please send private step by step  instruction to [Personal Information Removed]

HP Recommended



I just sent you a private message with the steps to the reset.


Best of luck,


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HP Recommended

My HP Photosmart 5100 stopped printing black ink again.  I was able to get it to start after I replaced the cartridge but it only printed for a day or two.  Can you please send me the procedures to reset? 



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