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Note: From May 1, 2024, the HP Scan and Capture app will no longer be available (retired) in the Microsoft Store and HP will not release any further app updates. Alternatively, you can download HP Smart from the Microsoft Store. For more information on how to set up your printer using the HP Smart app, go to HP printer setup (HP Smart app).
Common problems HP Solution Center not working : Adobe Flash Player Error and Unable to scan
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I have two email addresses in the directory for "scan to email" function on the front panel of the printer. One requires a PIN, the other doesn't. I don't want to use a PIN for the one that does, but I can't figure out how and where to manage the email address list. It used to be accessible from the HP Smart App on phone, HP Smart web site, and the Embedded Web Server on the printer, but it looks like that option is gone (see screen shot from embedded web server on printer; the address book shown is just the fax email address book, names and phone numbers, not email addresses).


How do I manage the email address destination list for the printer control panel? Has that feature been removed? (just like the scan to cloud/dropbox was removed a couple of years ago).


Screen Shot 2021-04-28 at 11.32.29 AM.png


To HP: I've already seen the response explaining how to set this up from a Mac/PC, indicating you need an email client. I'm talking about scanning from the control panel on the device itself.

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You need to make the changes in the account itself


  1. Go to HP Connected, and then sign in to your account.

  2. Find the printer you want to modify, and then click Change Settings.

  3. Under ePrint Settings, click the tab with your printer's current email address.

    Click the printer's email address

  4. Type a new HP ePrint email address in the text box, and then click Submit.

    • If the address you typed is available, the address updates immediately.

    • If the address you typed is not available, try a different address, and then click Submit.

    Type a new email address, and then click Submit

  5. Inform any allowed senders of the new HP ePrint email address.

For more reference use this link:https://support.hp.com/in-en/document/c02940150

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Hi @KrazyToad:


Thanks for trying to help. The solution you provided was for a question different than mine. Your solution is for how to change the email address one uses to send documents to the printer to print via email. My issue is unrelated. My issue is that

I can’t edit or maintain the list of recipients that appears on my printer screen when I use the “scan to email” function.

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Thanks for keeping me posted


Please update the printer Firmware and restart https://support.hp.com/us-en/document/ish_1776648-1643972-16


If the issue persists we can perform a Semi Full Reset



I Am An HP Employee

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HI @KrazyToad: The printer firmware auto-updates so it's at the latest version and has been.  Happy to try a semi full reset, not sure what that is.


Curious - can you tell me what this will achieve? I'm asking about how to make a change to a list of email addresses for Scan to Email from the front panel of the printer. Can you tell me how this is supposed to be done if everything is working normally?

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