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Note: From May 1, 2024, the HP Scan and Capture app will no longer be available (retired) in the Microsoft Store and HP will not release any further app updates. Alternatively, you can download HP Smart from the Microsoft Store. For more information on how to set up your printer using the HP Smart app, go to HP printer setup (HP Smart app).
Common problems HP Solution Center not working : Adobe Flash Player Error and Unable to scan
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HP Recommended
HP OfficeJet 4500 G510n-z
Microsoft Windows 10 (64-bit)


I have a HP OfficeJet 4500 G510n-z which has printed and scanned well for several years. I now have had to replace my laptop (another win 10 64 bit system) but now I can only print. I am using it wirelessly.

I added the printer and immediately it worked but that was all.

I then used the print/scan doctor and it upgraded the drivers and installed utilities that I used to have.

I now run the Solution Center, select scan a document, the solution center logo appears but nothing happens and it goes back to the Solution Center. Control Panel show the printer and associated Fax as separate devices (I can't remember if the old system used to show a separate scanner).

It seems to be most of the way there but not quite. Any suggestions gratefully received.




HP Recommended

I have exact same problem (using Win10-64bits) and found no solution till now.

I can add some more details:

- It is normal having printer and fax as separated devices in ctrl panel.

- Officejet install cannot be completed: it hangs on scanner config with "fatal error" running hpzsetup.exe.

- Error log repports "error code 15193107": no idea what this means.

- Solution center is well installed but can't access scanner.

- Scan doctor is useless because it only recommands to run install sw.

- Clean uninstall and new install does not change the picture.

- Install with Ethernet or USB connections have same bad scanner results... except printer witch works fine!

- The printer tested on different PC (Win7) works fine (printer AND scanner)

This brings me to conclude this is compatibility problem between either install sw or scanner driver and current version of Win10-64bits... at least.

Who is responsible of this compatibility issue: Microsoft or HP?

I'm afraid no one will take the point for "old printer". 😞

HP Recommended

I have the same or similar issue. I got a new router and attempted to re-install my HP OfficeJet 4500 G510n-z Wireless printer to my wireless network. Initially, after my new router install, I used it with the USB cable attaching the printer to my laptop because I had a quick print job to do. It printed part of it and stopped. I then went through the whole process of completely uninstalling the printer, removing file fragments, unplugging the printer, unplugging the modem & router, the whole deal. I also completely uninstalled my anti-virus program thinking it was causing a conflict. I then downloaded the printer install package and started from the beginning. I skipped the fax setup, as I don't have a landline at this time. I choose the option to use it as wireless. It gets to the configure printer, which I believe to be the end of the process (not really sure as I never get to the end), and get the fatal error with the printer not being installed at all.


I was able to view some of the error screens. One says my operating system is Windows 2008 server. I am running Windows 10 laptop at home, no server. Some screens also say Windows 8 & 8.1. 


I got Tracy from HP to assist me. She basically went through the same steps as me and kept telling me not to worry, she would fix it and install the most recent printer drivers. She also uninstalled a newer, different printer that I had on my network that was not the issue at hand. She finally said that my drivers were corrupt, infected, had trojans, etc because my network was unlocked and outside sources from the internet had corrupted my printer drivers and the more it was messed with, the worse the corruption would get.  In order for her to clean it up, I had to buy a maintenance package starting at $150 that would cover all of my devices for 3 years, $300 for 5 years, and $450 lifetime. She said if these files were not cleaned up they would begin affecting my laptop and it would eventually cease to work. I've never heard of such a thing. 


Is there something else that I can do before I buy this maintenance package in order to get my printer working? I feel like she dismantled my printers and then applied scare tactics to get me to agree to her sales pitch for one of these maintenance agreements. I've asked to speak to a supervisor and she told me she would put me on callback with a supervisor. Of course no supervisor has called me back. I am very frustrated at this point.

HP Recommended

Interesting testimony!

Having viruses on drivers is exceptional. I have anti-virus and firewall well configured and always on: this cannot be root cause of intall issue.

HP answer seems to confirm nobody will really take care of this compatibility problem. For 150$ we can have new printer, fully Win10 compatible and sold with up to 2 years warranty.

For now, I'm using a different PC (Win7) to drive the printer on my Network: this works fine.

I will try few more tests and will decide to buy or not a new multifunction device... probably not an HP one, even if I am a retired HP employe: this is only way users have to remind manufacturers they are not hostages but customers. 🙂

HP Recommended

I completely agree with buying a new printer. In fact, I have a newer printer that I bought with my laptop thinking that this 4500 would no longer work. I installed my new HP 6978 printer back then. Imagine my surprise to find that it does not support printing document size 3.5" x 5.5", which is the standard USPS pre-stamped postcard size. I send out meeting reminder postcards for a service club. I still can't believe that HP would manufacture a printer that does not support USPS postcard printing. I have been trying to deplete my huge supply of these cards with forever postage using my old 4500 printer, I guess it's time to move to the 6978 printer and use blank 4" x 6" cards and attach my own postage.

HP Recommended

It's odd that I'm not the only one.

You could buy a new ones, but considering I only use the 4500 occasionally for colour printing and scanning, it's like new.

I normally print B&W on a Laserjet.



HP Recommended

If some are interrested on scanner use despite HP SW failure, I've just tested free eval version of third party sw's provider for scanners (VueScan from Hamrick.com): it works fine with Officejet 4500 scanner!

This definitively prove the issue we are facing to is "just" a compatibility issue between HP SW an Win10.

For those ready to pay for VueScan limited version, its price is 30$ (not affordable). Full option version is 70$: a bit excessive compared to new printer.

It shoud exist other sw, but I've not completed search on Internet...

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