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Note: From May 1, 2024, the HP Scan and Capture app will no longer be available (retired) in the Microsoft Store and HP will not release any further app updates. Alternatively, you can download HP Smart from the Microsoft Store. For more information on how to set up your printer using the HP Smart app, go to HP printer setup (HP Smart app).
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For some reason I can no longer scan a document to a network folder. It has been a while since I've used this feature. As far as I can tell nothing has changed since the last time I did a network scan. Here is what I know so far:

- The printer and the computer are on the same network and I can ping the printer from my computer

- If I go to the "Devices and Printers" I can see a Fax printer and the printer I normally print to

- The My Scan folder is in OneDrive

- If I go to the Windows Fax and Scan application I'm able to scan a document however when I try to save it in My Scans it ends up in he root of OneDrive, a folder that is not shared

- I've deleted and reinstalled the printer software and I've rebooted both as well as pulled the plug on the printer

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One thing I forgot to mention is that  I ran the Print and Scan doctor and it comes up with the following error, followed all the advice and it still fails at this point

HP Scan Dcotor issue.JPG

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