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I lost all phone contacts after the yesterday Windows update, and it took time to import my contacts from an old Outlook version. Do anyone have any advice how I could recover the contacts? And what can I do in order to block this happening again?

Many thanks. 



Accepted Solutions
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I have had over a dozen windows phones and several (5-6) windows 10 phones.  

With the upgrading to win 10 and loading new phones we noticed that we would loose contacts.  Best solution was to go to a computer with browser, export contacts from gmail, yahoo or what ever, import them all to the microsoft (hotmail,msn, outlook) account tied to the phone.  straighten them all out in the microsoft account, then go to account setting and tell it not to sync the contacts from the gmail, yahoo or other accounts.  only the microsoft account tied to the phone.


Secondly, it was combining randomly my 80 years old grandmother and my latino painter, or my surveyor and my sister-in-law.  combining random contacts.  i found you can still search on the device for the contact adn then you just have to unlink them.  I have yet to find the 'do not combine similar contacts' option on the device, but it looks like once you unlink them they stay seperate.


I hope this helps.


Sitting duck

View solution in original post

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Hi @user314,


Thank you for showing your interest in HP Support Forums. It is a great place to find the help you need, from other users, HP experts, and other support personnel. I came across your post and wanted to assist you. I see from the post that you lost all your phone contacts and you would like to know how you could block this from happening. Don't worry I'll try my best to help you with this,


To provide you with an accurate solution, I'll need a few more details:

What is the product that you are using? (Ensure you do not share any of your personal information such as serial, phone number, email ID, etc...) http://hp.care/2bygf7l

What is the Operating System installed?

Could you please elaborate more on this issue as this will help me in further assisting you?


Eagerly waiting for your response!

I hope you have a good day ahead,

And Feel free to ask your queries as this forum has some of the best people in the world available and ready to help.


I am an HP Employee

HP Recommended

Dear Jeet_singh,

Thanks a lot for reply. I have an Elite X3 with Windows 10. Couple of days ago it started a windows update which left me without contacts. It took me a lot of time to move all my contacts from PC to an outlook account which then was connected to X3. I consider the updates shouldn't run without my permission, not speaking the fact that should not damage any of the previous installed data. 

have a good day,


HP Recommended

Dear Jeet_singh,

Thanks a lot for reply. I have an Elite X3 with Windows 10. Couple of days ago it started a windows update which left me without contacts. It took me a lot of time to move all my contacts from PC to an outlook account which then was connected to X3. I consider the updates shouldn't run without my permission, not speaking the fact that should not damage any of the previous installed data. 

Have a good day,


HP Recommended

I have had over a dozen windows phones and several (5-6) windows 10 phones.  

With the upgrading to win 10 and loading new phones we noticed that we would loose contacts.  Best solution was to go to a computer with browser, export contacts from gmail, yahoo or what ever, import them all to the microsoft (hotmail,msn, outlook) account tied to the phone.  straighten them all out in the microsoft account, then go to account setting and tell it not to sync the contacts from the gmail, yahoo or other accounts.  only the microsoft account tied to the phone.


Secondly, it was combining randomly my 80 years old grandmother and my latino painter, or my surveyor and my sister-in-law.  combining random contacts.  i found you can still search on the device for the contact adn then you just have to unlink them.  I have yet to find the 'do not combine similar contacts' option on the device, but it looks like once you unlink them they stay seperate.


I hope this helps.


Sitting duck

HP Recommended
Hi. Many thanks for replay. It is a solution to my query, even not the one I hoped for 😞 But I appreciate your help and support. If I stop syncing contacts would they remain after the next windows update? And more, please sent me a message in case will find how to block the linkage between contacts. For sure somebody had a good intention, still it ended into something at least unpleasant. Thanks a lot.
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