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DesignJet T1700

Is the DesignJet T1700 compatible with FutureSmart, which allows the service access code to be changed, or is there an alternative way of controlling use of the Service Access Code (short of placing a physical barrier over the control panel)?

HP Recommended

I have found reference to a Front Panel Access Lock - but no detail on how this works and whether it can be used to restrict access to the service access code usage - does it combine wit RBAC?

HP Recommended

No, the front panel access code could be bypassed by someone with knowledge and service pins. That front panel code is to prevent button pushing users.  My only caution to you is that if you change an admin password, document it, as once it is changed if you forget it, you have to replace the mainboard to restore access, just like you do on a FutureSmart device with a user set service code. My curiosity is what are you trying to prevent or restrict? 

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