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I am trying to provide similiar functionality to traditional Key Telephone System.


Using VVX411 or 501 series phone.


Here is version info on the 411

UC Software Version5.5.1.15880
Updater Version5.7.1.17405


Want to URL dial between two phones and have the phone called auto answer so they can reply without touching their phone.  Turning the Auto Answer feature on the phone does not solve the issue as we can't have all SIP incoming calls answered.


I see a setting under auto answer that leads me to think you can auto answer for "Internal" Calls


Have tried to setup line as unregistered and then made entry in contacts to URL dial.


However, it just says URL dialing iw disabled.


Is it possible to accomplish this Auto-Answer on a IP to IP call?



HP Recommended

Hello Phoneman,


did you see my reply => here <=


Best Regards


Steffen Baier

Notice: I am an HP Poly employee but all replies within the community are done as a volunteer outside of my day role. This community forum is not an official HP Poly support resource, thus responses from HP Poly employees, partners, and customers alike are best-effort in attempts to share learned knowledge.
If you need immediate and/or official assistance for former Poly\Plantronics\Polycom please open a service ticket through your support channels
For HP products please check HP Support.

Please also ensure you always check the General VoIP , Video Endpoint , UC Platform (Microsoft) , PSTN
HP Recommended

Thanks for the reply even though it is not what I was hoping to hear.


That type of functionality would be huge for so many adjusting to VOIP from a traditional phone system with that feature.


What does the "Internal"  or "External" setting in the auto answer section of the phone GUI do?  I was hoping to be able to dial by IP and have it auto answer only on the selected conditon.

HP Recommended

Hello Phoneman,

The 2nd FAQ article provided shows a solution which will work without a server.


I am nowhere near a phone at present so I am not aware what option via the web interface you are talking about.


I suggest you double check the article again and if all fails open a support ticket.

In order to raise a support ticket you need to work with your Polycom reseller as they need to do this for you. End Customers are usually unable to open a ticket directly with Polycom support.

Please ensure to provide some feedback if this reply has helped you so other users can profit from your experience.

Best Regards

Steffen Baier

Polycom Global Services

Notice: I am an HP Poly employee but all replies within the community are done as a volunteer outside of my day role. This community forum is not an official HP Poly support resource, thus responses from HP Poly employees, partners, and customers alike are best-effort in attempts to share learned knowledge.
If you need immediate and/or official assistance for former Poly\Plantronics\Polycom please open a service ticket through your support channels
For HP products please check HP Support.

Please also ensure you always check the General VoIP , Video Endpoint , UC Platform (Microsoft) , PSTN
HP Recommended

Okay, sorry if the is a really dumb newb question.


We are using a hosted solution and still want the provisiong to be in place that happens with the "provisioning server" settings in the phone.  Additionally, we would like to integreate some of the functionality you have given examples for including the "Intercom" functions like this line of config you have provided:


feature.intercom.enable="1" voIpProt.SIP.intercom.alertInfo="Test"


How do we actually accomplish this.  Can we execute it from the phone GUI, or do we need to setup another server on our network just to load these types of features? 



HP Recommended
Simply import anything you like via the Web Interface

Replied via a mobile device
Notice: I am an HP Poly employee but all replies within the community are done as a volunteer outside of my day role. This community forum is not an official HP Poly support resource, thus responses from HP Poly employees, partners, and customers alike are best-effort in attempts to share learned knowledge.
If you need immediate and/or official assistance for former Poly\Plantronics\Polycom please open a service ticket through your support channels
For HP products please check HP Support.

Please also ensure you always check the General VoIP , Video Endpoint , UC Platform (Microsoft) , PSTN
HP Recommended

Hello Phoneman,

The community's VoIP FAQ contains this post here:

Oct 7, 2011 Question: Do I always need a Provisioning Server or can I configure a Phone via the Web Interface or via the Phone Gui?
Resolution: Please check => here <=

Looking at your above comment in regards of Internal External this depends completely on the SIP servers ability to add this into the Alert-Info as explained => here <=




The drop down menu simply populates the call.autoAnswer.ringClass parameter.

The 2nd Article in this FAQ explains how to do this without the Server supporting this.

Please ensure to provide some feedback if this reply has helped you so other users can profit from your experience.

Best Regards

Steffen Baier

Polycom Global Services

Notice: I am an HP Poly employee but all replies within the community are done as a volunteer outside of my day role. This community forum is not an official HP Poly support resource, thus responses from HP Poly employees, partners, and customers alike are best-effort in attempts to share learned knowledge.
If you need immediate and/or official assistance for former Poly\Plantronics\Polycom please open a service ticket through your support channels
For HP products please check HP Support.

Please also ensure you always check the General VoIP , Video Endpoint , UC Platform (Microsoft) , PSTN
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