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My question is about the /api/v1/mgmt/updateConfiguration REST API.

The description of this API is "This API allows the user to sync phone's configuration

with the provisioning server". So my question is basically "When must the API be used ?"

Background: My understanding is that on the provisioning server there are config

files that are mac specific for each phone ( <MAC>.cfg) as well as the more general

config files. So the first followup question is "When I use the /config/set API to change

a configuration setting does it automatically get written back to the mac specific

config file on the provisioning server ? or is the updateConfiguration API the

way to make that happen. After I set a config parameter using the /config/set API

I can see that the parameter stays set even after the phone is rebooted which

implies that the setting is either maintained in local storage (Flash?) on the phone

or that it has been sent back to the provisioning server at the completion of the

/config.set API. If it is stored in local storage/flash then I'm guessing that one

must use this /updateConfiguration API to cause it to be written back to the

provisioning server.. So can someone tell me what the semantics are as to how

this updateConfig APi is supposed to be user ?


Thanks in advance. 

I have provided info specifics from one of our phones below.

I have searched the knowledge base and this forum as best I can and

can't find any answer to this question.

If I missed it, I'm sorry. Please provide a pointer.


For Phone:

DeviceType => hardwareEndpoint
DeviceVendor => Polycom
FirmwareRelease =>
IPV4Address =>
IPV6Address => ::
MACAddress => 64167fc7984f
ModelNumber => VVX 411
UpTimeSinceLastReboot => 0 Day 5:19:31

AlternateDNSServer =>
CDPCompatibility => enabled
DHCP => enabled
DHCPBootServerOption => 160
DHCPBootServerOptionType => String
DHCPBootServerUseOption => Static
DHCPOption60Format => ASCII String
DHCPServer =>
DNSDomain => *removed*
DNSServer =>
DefaultGateway =>
IPV4Address =>
IPV6Address => ::
LANPortStatus => active
LANSpeed => 1000Mbps
LLDP => enabled
ProvServerAddress => *removed*
ProvServerType => FTP
ProvServerUser => mar2021
SNTPAddress => pool.ntp.org
SubnetMask =>
UpgradeServer =>
VLANDiscoveryMode => Fixed
VLANIDOption => 129
ZTPStatus => disabled
ZTStatus => disabled

BootServerOption => 160
BootServerOptionType => String
BootServerUseOption => Static
Feature => Enabled
OfferTimeout => 1
Option60Format => ASCII String
VLANDiscovery => Default
VLANDiscoveryOption => 129
Domain => *removed*
Feature => Enabled
PrimaryServer =>
SecondaryServer =>
CDP => Enabled
IPAddress =>
IPGateway =>
IPStack => IPv4 Only
IPv6Address => ::
IPv6AddressDiscovery => DHCP
IPv6Gateway => ::
IPv6LinkAddress => ::
IPv6ULAAddress => ::
LLDP => Enabled
PreferredNetwork => IPv6
StormFilterPPS => 38
StormFiltering => Enabled
SubnetMask =>
VLANFiltering => Enabled
FileTxTries => 3
MaxServers => 8
NetworkEnv => Cable/DSL
RetryWait => 1
Server => *removed*
ServerType => FTP
TagSerialNo => Enabled
User => mar2021
GMTOffsetHours => -5
GMTOffsetSeconds => -18000
Server => pool.ntp.org
Facility => 16
PrependMAC => Disabled
RenderLevel => 4
Server =>
Transport => UDP
ACSUsername => PlcmSpIp
CPEUsername => PlcmSpIp
Feature => Disabled
InformInterval => 18000
PeriodicInform => Disabled
UpgradeManagement => Disabled


HP Recommended

Hello @Stumped ,


as mentioned the FAQ and ReadMeFirst detail what information should be provided for a first or follow up post. The details provided by you are not asked for and make the post look "bloated".


Please only include the relevant details asked for.


To you actually question the REST API in question is the same as on the phone pressing Settings > Basic > Update configuration.


I suggest you check the FAQ:


Mar 08, 2013 QuestionWhat files does my phone download or upload and why?

Resolution: Please check => here <=


Jun 27, 2018 Question: How can I determine what source or order a configuration value came from or what is the priority of this?

ResolutionDetails => here <=


For any follow-up questions please stick to the outlined details in the FAQ/ReadMe1st if you want any volunteer to follow up.


If you require support you will need to work with NextUSA who sold this VVX back in 06/2020 as they can charge you PPI/PayPerIncident support so you can contact Poly support.


Best Regards


Steffen Baier

Notice: I am an HP Poly employee but all replies within the community are done as a volunteer outside of my day role. This community forum is not an official HP Poly support resource, thus responses from HP Poly employees, partners, and customers alike are best-effort in attempts to share learned knowledge.
If you need immediate and/or official assistance for former Poly\Plantronics\Polycom please open a service ticket through your support channels
For HP products please check HP Support.

Please also ensure you always check the General VoIP , Video Endpoint , UC Platform (Microsoft) , PSTN
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