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    Windows update impacting certain printer icons and names. Microsoft is working on a solution.
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The HP Community is where owners of HP products, like you, volunteer to help each other find solutions.
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Reverb G2

I cant get support. My Reverb G2 is under warranty and when I click to contact support a page pops up and says that it cannot find its warranty. This is ridiculous can anyone help me here. 

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Don't worry as I'll be glad to help,

I want to thank you for taking the time to speak to us today. As we have limited support boundaries in the support community as of now. 
I have brought your issue to the attention of an appropriate team within HP. They will likely request information from you in order to look up your case details or product serial number. Please look for a private message from an identified HP contact. Additionally, keep in mind not to publicly post personal information (serial numbers and case details).

If you are unfamiliar with how the Community's private message capability works, you can learn about that 

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I am an HP Employee

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I have the same issue with a unknown warranty status and I'd like to get a revision 2 cable to resolve my issues.

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The HP customer service is really weird. I suspect you were an early adopter of the headset like me (they have an internal glitch for the pre-order headset warranties) and that’s why your serial number and in turn warranty is coming up invalid. Don’t worry here is a list of numbers to call. They include one for most countries. I got this from Reddit and all credit goes to a very helpful HP employee voodoo. They were able to get me a new headset cable. Much better than the warranty purgatory I was in. I also have a link of the page of the Reddit thread. Good luck. 




Wanted to put this here: (Joanna sent me this list. 🙂

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