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Check some of the most frequent questions about Instant Ink: HP INSTANT INK, HP+ PLANS: INK AND TONER.

Check out our Black or Color Ink Not Printing, Other Print Quality Issues info about: Print quality and Cartridge Issues.
HP Recommended
Officejet Pro 6978
Microsoft Windows 7 (64-bit)

Have ink clogged printhead. Don't see an obvious way to remove for cleaning.

Any suggestions?

HP Recommended



Welcome to the HP Forums. I would be happy to help you with your HP Officejet 6978 Printer. I understand that you are getting print quality issues and you want to clean the printhead. I would like to help you resolve this issue.


Use an automated tool from the printer control panel to clean the printhead.

  1. On the printer control panel, swipe down to open the Dashboard, and then touch the Setup icon .

  2. Swipe up on the display, and then touch Printer Maintenance.

  3. Touch Clean Printhead, and then touch Continue.

    A test page prints.

    Figure : Example of the printhead cleaning test page

    Example of the printhead cleaning test page
  4. Examine the test page.

    • If the print quality is unacceptable, touch Clean Again to continue the next level of cleaning. Repeat these steps for the third cleaning stage, if necessary.

Click here and refer the document to fix print quality issues.


Let me know if that helps.


I am an HP Employee

HP Recommended

Thank you!  This helped me.  I had used the "Clean Printhead" tool, but didn't realize by doing "Clean Again" it would do another level of cleaning.  It worked!

HP Recommended

This tutorial solved my printer problems. Thanks

HP Recommended

I am having the same issue; have ran the Clean Printhead many times, but still not printing black ink (the cartridges are brand new)

HP Recommended

I must have run the clean print head program a dozen times (three times each) over a few weeks after each time my printer was not printing black. The cartridge was new to start with and more than 50% full when I finally replaced it with a new cartridge. I am a HP Instant Ink subscriber and get replacement cartridges in the mail from HP when my ink supply gets low. So I replaced the black cartridge even though it showed there was 50% (or so) of ink left.


After replacing the cartridge it has been printing fine. So i threw the old cartridge in the trash so it would not be recyled again.


Your "new" cartridges are likely recycled. I would suggest you return them (under warranty), and get new replacement cartridges and see if that clears your problem.

HP Recommended

Try cleaning the electrical contacts on the ink cartridge and the accociated contacts in the printer with a QTip and 90% alcohol. I had 2 colors not printing. Ok now.

HP Recommended

You didn't answer the question, you just provided instructions on what was already performed numerous times as I have done also! IS THE PRINTHEAD REMOVABLE for cleaning?

HP Recommended

My 6978 is less than 6 mos old, I am constantly having to clean print head, always comes out bad for first run and then 2nd time cleaning printed itll be fine again. Added pics of first time and second time. I have HP ink service too so cartridges come from HP directly. Black always isn't great either! So...how do I fix this. Waste of paper, every single time I use printer DAILY.15592181775057985823124260880684.jpg




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