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HP Recommended
Laserjet 1022
Microsoft Windows 10 (64-bit)


I own a HP Laserjet 1022 connected to a pc with Windows 10 64 bit.

I installed the drivers, but when I try to print something (windows sees the printer as ready to print), the program I'm using crash. 


Trying to print with Word 2013, it crashes and close.

Trying to print with notepad, it crashes and close.


The printer also doesn't print the test page.


Does anybody know what is the problem?

ps sorry for my bad english.

HP Recommended

What are the error messages you are recieving in Win10 about these crashes?



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Did you get any help?  I have the same problem 😞

HP Recommended

Hi Morgeson,

I actually solved it.

I am sorry that I can't say for sure what I did cause I forgot, but I remember that the Scrubber HP software was useful.

EDIT : I also remember that I installed it as a local printer

I try to figure out what were the steps to do and then i reply to you

HP Recommended

Thank you in advance 🙂

HP Recommended

Hi Morgeson, I can confirm that i used the scrubber utility, then installed the printer as a local printer.


Anyway, I reinstalled the printer today on a fresh install on Windows 10 and I inform you that the latest version of the OS installs the printer automatically without any error. 

The problem was in the last build preview of Windows 10 and in the early versions of the OS. Today it installed the printer from windows update without any problem.


Sorry for the late answer!

HP Recommended

I have an update, the issue can be solved also in this way:

go to the printer settings and switch the drivers select from "Hp 1022 laserjet driver" to "Hp 1022 laserjet class driver"

HP Recommended

I can confirm tritone11, suggestion works perfectly.


I had the exact problem that OP describes - and tritone11, has the solution 🙂


Only logged in to confirm this 🙂

HP Recommended

I finally got my HP Laser Jet 1022 to work on Windows 10, by selecting 'virtual USB port' instead of 'LPT1', when manually installing.  I also downloaded the 1022 class driver, as advised above, but that alone did not work for me.  

HP Recommended

Selecting Virtual USB instead of LTP1 worked for me as well. Choosing Laserjet "Class" driver did not work.  Before choosing the Virtual USB connection option, everytime I attempted to print (even though Windows had my printer listed in the Devices and Printers Menu) documents would fail to print. I could not even print a test page.  Repair and Troubleshooting would not work either. After choosing Virtual USB, no problems whatsoever. 

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