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The Poly Video Conferencing Knowledge Base is live! We look forward to helping you with common issues and troubleshooting advice!
HP Recommended

Have an issue with the Poly x50 & TC8 when booting up in Microsoft Teams Provider, follow the steps and tells me setup complete but then shows a message " Couldn't find any devices, make sure the device you want to pair is signed in to the same Teams account"


Since this we have tried various o365 accounts, reset back system back to factory settings, updated all software to the latest it shows available.


X50 Software Version : 3.9.0-358026

TC8 Software version : 3.9.0-210608

Application manager Microsft Teams Current Version: 1449/


Pic attached of the TC8 error, called the phone support of Poly....didn't get very far knowledge was very basic and poor service.


o365 accounts we are using all have Business Standard licenses active, teams works fine on other devices such as PC's, Mac's phones etc no issues.


If we restart the provider in Zooms this works fine no issues.

HP Recommended

Hello @iTD Dept ,


Welcome to the Poly Community.


As you have already excluded an issue with the Studio X and TC8 by using Zoom it is clearly not an issue with the device itself.


I can only suggest checking this post >here< where we explain that our Partner Microsoft provided an update to their software which "should" fix an issue around LLDP/VLAN/TC8 pairing.


I can only recommend applying this Microsoft Teams App 1449/ APK 2G via the Teams Admin Center.


Should you still experience an issue please work with our Partner Microsoft as they provide the software running on the MTRoA devices we and competitors use.


Microsoft can troubleshoot this by analyzing the logs of the device.


Please ensure to provide some feedback if this reply has helped you so other users can profit from your experience.

Best Regards

Steffen Baier


Notice: I am an HP Poly employee but all replies within the community are done as a volunteer outside of my day role. This community forum is not an official HP Poly support resource, thus responses from HP Poly employees, partners, and customers alike are best-effort in attempts to share learned knowledge.
If you need immediate and/or official assistance for former Poly\Plantronics\Polycom please open a service ticket through your support channels
For HP products please check HP Support.

Please also ensure you always check the General VoIP , Video Endpoint , UC Platform (Microsoft) , PSTN
HP Recommended

Thanks for your reply, please can you advise how we can upgrade this via the Teams Admin App?

HP Recommended

So how do we upgrade:


The Teams Admin Center can upgrade this remotely to the Microsoft Teams App 1449/ APK 2G


Cant see option for this

HP Recommended

Hello @iTD Dept 




This should show the devices in question and:



If clicked on it:



Or if accessing the device itself under Health:




For any follow-up questions around our Partner Microsoft TAC and/or updating their Application please work with Microsoft support.


Best Regards


Steffen Baier



Notice: I am an HP Poly employee but all replies within the community are done as a volunteer outside of my day role. This community forum is not an official HP Poly support resource, thus responses from HP Poly employees, partners, and customers alike are best-effort in attempts to share learned knowledge.
If you need immediate and/or official assistance for former Poly\Plantronics\Polycom please open a service ticket through your support channels
For HP products please check HP Support.

Please also ensure you always check the General VoIP , Video Endpoint , UC Platform (Microsoft) , PSTN
HP Recommended

This link goes to Teams Room on Android but no devices shows under any of the tabs Teams Room, Touch consoles, Config profiles


Still a Teams issue or Poly issue?

HP Recommended

Hello @iTD Dept 


Our Partner Microsoft provides Poly and other competitors with the Teams application running on these MTRoA and multiple additional Microsoft applications ensure the communication with the TAC.


You should see this and any other signed-in devices here:




As this is our partner Microsoft platform I can only suggest working with them as something seriously is wrong or restricted in your network preventing this to work.


Best Regards


Steffen Baier


Notice: I am an HP Poly employee but all replies within the community are done as a volunteer outside of my day role. This community forum is not an official HP Poly support resource, thus responses from HP Poly employees, partners, and customers alike are best-effort in attempts to share learned knowledge.
If you need immediate and/or official assistance for former Poly\Plantronics\Polycom please open a service ticket through your support channels
For HP products please check HP Support.

Please also ensure you always check the General VoIP , Video Endpoint , UC Platform (Microsoft) , PSTN
HP Recommended

Thanks Steffen for your reply, after speaking to Microsoft they advise this is nothing to do with them as they cant even see the end point device.


Steps we have taken so far:


  1. Powered down both TC8 and x50, moved the HDMI cable to port 1 on the back of the x50
  2. Powered backup, x50 main screen now displays a Teams login page with a device code
  3. TC8 also displays a Teams login page with a different device code
  4. Entered the device code showing on the screen from the x50 HDMI display via https://microsoft.com/devicelogin - this logs the x50 into teams but not the TC8
  5. Entered the device code showing on the TC8 https://microsoft.com/devicelogin - this logs the TC8 and also asks to pair the Poly x50, which when selected registers and teams works
  6. Sign out of Teams via the TC8 this reverts back to the Teams device code page but the x50 display still remains signed into Teams
  7. Attach keyboard and mice to the x50 and select settings on the screen sign out this again reverts back to the Teams device code page. Both TC8 and x50 show different device codes.

Teams update also run direct from the devices list under teams admin portal.


Why does the Tc8 not control the whole function of logging both devices into teams?


Not very practical for multi user teams room.


Any help and advice appreciated.

HP Recommended

Hello @iTD Dept ,


our Partner Microsoft designed their application that way without any additional input from Poly. Other providers do not use the same approach.


Only Microsoft can answer these questions as once signed into Teams the device communicates via the Microsoft Teams application and in addition the extra Microsoft Application (Company portal etc.)with the Microsoft Teams platform.


Microsoft can advise you on the relevant Ports and IP addresses needed for this. Also, Microsoft can explain limitations around compliant Android devices and Azure.


From our FAQ:


Jan 3, 2020 Question: Is there a way to modify Intunes Policy Exclusion for Teams Android Devices to cater to older Android versions?

Resolution: Please check => here <=


The above is similar to you using a Microsoft OS like Windows with any hardware vendor simply pre-installing this on a PC.


Support needs to come from Microsoft


If you still struggle please work with a Poly reseller as we do offer chargeable services you can purchase so we walk you through everything.


Myself as a Poly employee providing a voluntary service in this community can no longer reply to your topic as you clearly need to work with Microsoft support.


Other community volunteers can try and help you and are welcome to do so.

Best Regards

Steffen Baier


Notice: I am an HP Poly employee but all replies within the community are done as a volunteer outside of my day role. This community forum is not an official HP Poly support resource, thus responses from HP Poly employees, partners, and customers alike are best-effort in attempts to share learned knowledge.
If you need immediate and/or official assistance for former Poly\Plantronics\Polycom please open a service ticket through your support channels
For HP products please check HP Support.

Please also ensure you always check the General VoIP , Video Endpoint , UC Platform (Microsoft) , PSTN
HP Recommended

did you ever discover the issue with this?  Was it DNS related or something like that?  We are new to Teams and i'm just starting to test Teams Room on Poly X30.  The TC8/X30 pair just fine as you mentioned in Poly mode or in Zoom mode but MS Teams does the peripheral pairing differently we have learned.  Once we activate the X30 to the Teams account and then activate the TC8 with the same Teams account, the T8 cannot find the room system to connect and control the room.  If we flip from our internal network to an open port directly to the internet, they are able to discover each other and work fine.

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