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Are you having HotKey issues? Click here for tips and tricks.
HP Recommended
Thanks for the reply @firstapex88! I called their customer service a second time. The rep offered me a $100 discount, that is all I was able to get. I need the laptop back asap otherwise I would have hassled to get repairs service for free, which I am sure is a longer process...
HP Recommended

I Have a H.P.Spectre 360 convertible 13 Which does not charge anymore. 3 days ago I was watching some news and the power indicator came on that is low on battery . So, I pick it up  to connect to the charger and the notebook was

extermely hot.I did plug in and indicator showed that is charging .And even the light indicator(the Orange on the side) was

on .But after awhile yhe screen went black.Right now even rhe orange light does not come on.

So i am in a desperate situation how to fix it or where i should take it to be fixed.  Please Help.

HP Recommended
HP Recommended

I had found this to be the issue in my situation. Unfortunately, I was traveling in Europe with a USA bought product, and the service HP channels were of no assistance. I ended up taking the machine apart and soldering the broken power port myself.


Agreed, this is a great machine but this small defect had caused costly and unnecessary delays and inconveniences in my business trip. The current service HP structure did not lend itself to the problem at all, especially if the product is out of warrantee (just).


Mother Board Labled2.png


The damaged Power Port is still operating after soldering; 4 months now.


The issue in replacing the component is the cable is threaded behind the heatsink-hinge connection; you do not want to remove the heat sink from the processor. This maybe why repair costs always involve motherboard work.



Part 150112.jpg


I do not recomend taking apart the machine yourself, this may give further insite to Bjamesons post.

Good Luck


HP Recommended
@BJameson & @Kegs, thank you for the insight.
HP Recommended




Just received my laptop from HP's repair service center.

Their diagnostics are as follows:

- Mother board: No power or post (ReplacedMotherboard)

- Battery: Battery - battery does not charge (little or no operation without external power); Replaced Defective Battery


 ... That is after 1 year and a half of normal usage.

HP Recommended

I do not undestand how come Jayeh does not send an answer to my E- Mail

HP Recommended

@Sawbet I don't have an extensive knowledge in IT. I can only share my own personal experience. If you are Canadian, try calling [Number no longer active] for assistance.

HP Recommended



I am in Germany as well was your issue resolved?

HP Recommended

How much did they charge you for this

† The opinions expressed above are the personal opinions of the authors, not of HP. By using this site, you accept the <a href="https://www8.hp.com/us/en/terms-of-use.html" class="udrlinesmall">Terms of Use</a> and <a href="/t5/custom/page/page-id/hp.rulespage" class="udrlinesmall"> Rules of Participation</a>.