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I've owned my HP Pavilion X360 for about a month now. I've enjoyed using it and it is run smoothly up until this morning. I use this early morning, about 1 am, and when I woke up this morning it would not connect to my wifi. I tested the router, the connections, everything and narrowed it down to the x360. everytime I try to connect via wifi it says it has a strong signal but still reads "limited connection" everytime I try and connect. I even connected with the hardwire and plug it in straight into the modem and I still got the limited connection message. Please help.
HP Recommended

Hello MikeR79,

Welcome to the HP Forums!


I understand you are unable to connect to the internet through wired or wireless connections. 


Chances are drivers are not an issue considering you have tried two different connections. Just to be safe, it would not hurt to update the drivers for both cards. Without the exact model or product numbers I cannot link the downloads for you. For information on finding your product and model numbers click here: How Do I Find My Model Number or Product Number?


Here are some other steps you can try. 


Test another device. I know you said you tested the router, but just to be safe can you confirm for me if other devices are able to connect to the network?


Powercycle the network:

1. Shut down your notebook.

2. Unplug the power to your router.

3. Unplug the power to your modem.

4. Wait at least 45 seconds.

5. Plug in the modem, and wait for it to come back online.

6. Plug in the router, and wait for it to come back online.

7. Turn on your notebook, and test your connection.


Reset the TCP/IP settings on your PC:

1. Go to your start screen and type CMD.

2. Right click on the command prompt icon and chose Run as administrator at the bottom of your screen.

3. In the window that opens type "netsh int ip reset resetlog.txt" without quotes, and press enter.

4. Restart your PC and test.


It may also help to reset the winsock catalogue:

1. Go to your start screen and type CMD.

2. Right click on the command prompt icon and chose Run as administrator at the bottom of your screen.

3. In the window that opens type "netsh winsock reset" without quotes, and press enter.

4. Restart your PC and test.


You may also wish to check the router settings and confirm MAC filtering is not enabled. 


Let me know if this information helps. Smiley Happy

I work on behalf of HP

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HP Recommended
I tried all of these and it's still not working. Its still says that its connected, but it wont go online or update any apps. If I try to use internet explorer it says "this page cant be displayed". If from there I press the "fix connection problems" it seems to try, then it does nothing. Also, when I check the wifi status it says "IPv4 Connectivity: internet IPv6 Connectivity: no internet access."

Does this mean anything?
HP Recommended
Also, I did a windows network diagnostic and it said "problem found: your computer appears to be correctly configured, but the device or resource (DNS server) is not responding". I didn't know if that helps at all.
HP Recommended

Hey MikeR79,


IPv6 having no connectivity is not an issue. IPv6 is installed in newer operating systems to prepare for the new addition of the IPv6 protocol, but it is not currently in use by the majority of providers.


You may want to try flushing the DNS. You can do this easily with this command:

1. Go to your start screen and type CMD.

2. Right click on the command prompt icon and chose Run as administrator at the bottom of your screen.

3. In the window that opens type "ipconfig /flushdns" without quotes, and press enter.

4. Restart your PC and test.


It may also help to restart the DNS Client in your services list. You can access the services by pressing Windows Key + R and typing services.msc in the open field and pressing OK. Locate DNS Client in the list, right-click on it, and chose Restart.


Also I found a neat YouTube video (with an awesome desktop wallpaper) for this issue that might help: Windows 8 "Limited Connection" Fix!

I work on behalf of HP

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HP Recommended
I tried these methods as well as what was in video and still nothing works. Not sure what to do. I only have had this computer for 3 weeks and this is making me regret getting it. I really hope this gets fixed soon.
HP Recommended

Hey MikeR79,


Sorry to hear those steps didn't resolve the issue. This really only leaves us with two options. You can try contacting your internet service provider, as they are going to be the best at dealing with connection issues, even if it is only one PC affected they should be able to offer valuable insight to the issue. 


The next option after that would be to contact our phone support team, as your product is new it should be covered under warranty. You can contact HP Technical Support at 1-800-474-6836 in North America. For all other regions click here.


Hopefully this works out better for you. 🙂

I work on behalf of HP

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Archived This topic has been archived. Information and links in this thread may no longer be available or relevant. If you have a question create a new topic by clicking here and select the appropriate board.
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